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Six months have passed and nothing big has happened to Jimin and Jungkook since then. They had to move to another house due to the both of them often smelling the scent of blood all over it. It took a while for Jimin to get over his rage for Taeyong, which was understandable. Jungkook would probably hate Taeyong for the rest of his long, immortal life if something happened to Yuta because of him.

Jaehyun had ended up in a coma for a month the moment he was rushed to the hospital. The entire time, Jungkook could hear Jimin silently cursing at Taeyong every night. When Jaehyun finally woke up, Jimin took his attention off of Taeyong and focused on helping Jaehyun recover. Jungkook remembered how Jimin would skip work just to give Jaehyun some food to eat. It made him a bit jealous, but he understood that Jimin was just caring for his friend.

Yuta moved back in with them and everything was normal. At night, well, that isn't as ordinary. They would go at it almost everyday, making Yuta often complain to them. He would often complain about how they had too much stamina. Jungkook often ignored his complaints and continued doing whatever he was doing with Jimin. Jungkook noticed that Sicheng wasn't living with them anymore, but chose not to acknowledge it.

Jaehyun was able to walk again after a month and a half of daily physical therapy with either Ten or Jimin rooting for him. Mostly Ten because Jimin had to go to work. Jungkook was able to breathe out a huge sigh of relief when all the blood in his old mansion was cleaned out and was ready to be sold. If Taeyong didn't surrender, he would probably be screwed. He would thank Jaehyun for saving them, but Jimin had told him not to say anything about Taeyong in front of him.

Their life has been nothing but peaceful since then. Of course, the time they had with each other wasn't very long because of Jimin's growing company. He was getting busier with each day because of how rapidly his company was growing. Jungkook was happy for him since it had taken so long for his company to grow so big. Jungkook spent most of his day sitting on the couch and watching TV with Yuta, which softened his muscles a lot. Not that he really cared.

TXT and Jinyoung moved out the moment everything was over, moving back to their own houses. That meant that the only company Jungkook had during the day was Yuta. It was a bit lonely if he had to be honest. His mansion was once full of lively activity and teasing. Now, it was just Yuta and him. It didn't help that Yuta seemed to be a lot moodier than usual since Sicheng wasn't with them anymore.

As for Taeyong, well, Jungkook had no clue what happened to him. Taeyong's company was still running and the attack thankfully didn't end up on the news. Probably because of how influencial Taeyong was. Jungkook often saw the new music Taeyong released on social media. It was weird since he had never seen Taeyong have any interest in music. He tried his best not to mention Taeyong in front of Jimin because he knew that it would put Jimin in a bad mood.

At the end of the day, he didn't care much about Taeyong's situation. He had Jimin now, and that's all that mattered to him. Jungkook knew that a proposal would be too soon for him and Jimin, so he just wanted to spend the first few years of their relationship getting to know each other. After all, they had forever to get to know each other since they were both immortal. Jungkook didn't know if it hit Jimin yet, but he was willing to tell him if he needed to.

It was nice, finally having a peaceful time without needing to stress about getting killed. Still, Jungkook wanted a bit more spice in his life. Watching anime with Yuta all day was starting to seem boring to him, especially when Yuta chose to watch those short animes. While he stressed about finding something better to do, an idea hit him. He grabbed his phone and dialed Johnny's number.

Johnny picked up and all Jungkook heard was yells of employees and the sound of paper flying. "What do you want? I'm kinda busy here." Johnny asked in an unamused tone, making Jungkook snicker. "I was just about to ask you if you want to go on a vacation to Whistler. If your company is too busy, that's fine too. It can just be Jimin, Ten and I." Jungkook suggested, hearing Johnny slam the desk on the other end, making him jump. "What?! I'll go!" He yelled, making the entire office quiet.

Jungkook shushed him dramatically before remembering that Yuta would be all alone in the mansion. He went downstairs to see Yuta still watching anime. "Yuta, do you want to go to Whistler with Johnny, Ten, Jimin and I?" He asked, making Yuta scoff. Jungkook's smile disappeared at Yuta's grumpy attitude. "You want me to go on vacation with you guys just to hear you guys have sex at night and give each other love eyes all day? No thanks, I'll stay here." Jungkook huffed before remembering something.

"Hey, what about having Sicheng come with us?" He asked, making Yuta sigh. "He's a trainee at SM entertainment. There's no way they'll— "They will if I give them money, right?" Jungkook asked, preparing to donate five million won to the company. "They won't be so easily swayed by money." Yuta said, making Jungkook dial the number to the reception of SM. "Hey, I'm willing to give you guys five million won if you guys let Sicheng go on vacation with his friends and I for two weeks. Do you think it's a good deal?" He asked, making Yuta roll his eyes.

After a while of taking to the staff, Yuta heard Jungkook thank them before hanging up. "They agreed." Jungkook said with a smirk, making Yuta's jaw drop. Suddenly, Yuta was on his knees and bowing down to Jungkook, looking at him with sparkly eyes. "Thank you for returning my precious Sicheng to me!" He yelled, looking at Jungkook with puppy eyes. Jungkook just gave him a look of disgust and pushed him away. "You'll have to go with us now." He informed, making Yuta nod furiously.

Jungkook waited until Jimin came home, booking the tickets beforehand. When Jimin came home, he was greeted with a sparkly-eyed Jungkook who seemed to be extremely excited. Jimin chuckled at Jungkook quietly, pulling the taller male into a quick hug. He pulled away, making the bunny hybrid huff. "What's up with you today?" He asked, playing with Jungkook's large ear.

"We're going to Whistler with Yuta, Sicheng, Johnny and Ten!"

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