Chapter 34

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    Jungkook woke up to see that Jimin wasn't sleeping beside him again. He heard someone leaving downstairs, so he ran down the stairs as fast as he could. Right before Jimin left for work, Jungkook pulled him in for a hug. "I hope I win this battle so we can finally have our happily ever after." He mumbled, making Jimin smile. "Have more confidence! Of course we will." Jimin encouraged. Hearing Jimin encourage him sent a surge of energy through Jungkook's body.

"I sure hope so." He said before pulling away, watching Jimin leave for work. As soon as Jimin left, he felt a presence behind him. He turned around to face Jinyoung, who was smirking. "Finish the breakfast your husband made for you. You have a long day of training waiting for you." Jungkook didn't hear anything except for the first line. "He isn't my husband yet!" He yelled, blushing madly. Suddenly, Yuta popped out of nowhere. "Yet." He emphasized.

Jungkook rolled his eyes at Yuta's teasing personality. He already knew that Yuta was like this, but it always caught him off guard. "Shut up, Yuta. What about you and Sicheng?" He asked, enjoying Yuta's blushing face that he caused. "You know, I haven't heard you two do anything ever since you guys arrived. Even Johnny and Ten did it already, and they sure did it loudly." Yuta blushed harder. "W-We're gonna stay innocent!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes again. "You sure weren't innocent when you were I heard you m— "Okay, let's not talk about that!" Yuta yelled, covering Jungkook's mouth. Jinyoung raised an eyebrow at Yuta. "Did you really do that?" Jungkook nodded, making the other bunny hybrid glare at him. "Can't you just ask Sicheng do it with you?" He asked, clearly amused. "Sicheng must stay pure." Yuta said in a deep voice. Jungkook managed to push Yuta's arm away. "I once heard Sicheng tell Jimin that he wished Yuta would fuck him more."

Yuta perked up at what Jungkook said. "Really?" He asked, eyes practically sparkling. Jinyoung chuckled lightly at Yuta's reaction. "You really need to get laid, Yuta." Before Jungkook even had a chance to laugh, Jinyoung started nagging him again. "Okay thats enough talking. Jungkook, hurry up and eat your breakfast already." He ordered, making Jungkook roll his eyes. He went to the kitchen to get his food.

Just as he went back to the living room to sit down and eat, he saw Johnny walking down the stairs with Ten. "Hey Johnny, how long do you planning on staying with us? Your wounds are practically healed and you surely have your own mansion." Jungkook asked. Johnny took that as a hint that Jungkook wanted him to leave and move back to his own house. "Fine, I'll move out with Ten next Monday." He huffed, sitting down on the couch beside Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled sarcastically. "That's amazing, Johnny! You're finally going to leave the bird's nest and become independent!" He cheered sarcastically, making Jinyoung and Yuta laugh. Ten snickered silently and Johnny just sat there, unamused. "For your information, I was always independent. I was only staying here with you because you guys gave me free food while I was injured." Johnny admitted, making Jungkook gasp. "You better pay up!" Johnny rolled his eyes. "Like hell I am."

Jungkook grabbed his spoon and started eating when he saw Jinyoung eyeing him, prepared to nag him again. At this moment, he really did think that Jinyoung acted like a mom. "Jinyoung, when are you going to live with Got7 again?" He asked. He kind of wanted Jinyoung to leave so he could avoid his nagging. "I'll leave the moment Taeyong gets his shit together and stops this entire conflict. Either that or I'll leave once you defeat Taeyong."

Yuta glared at Jinyoung. "Don't you dare act as if you know what Taeyong is really like." He said with venom laced in his voice. It took Jinyoung off guard, especially since Yuta was normally teasing and giggly, the opposite of his personality. "If you're going to defend Taeyong's actions, forget it. His actions are beyond humane, even for a hacker like me who's done and experienced hell." Jinyoung replied with just as much venom in his voice.

Jinyoung turned to Jungkook and Johnny, who were just watching the two hybrids glare at each other. "Do you agree with what I said?" He asked. Both Jungkook and Johnny nodded hesitantly, making Yuta's jaw drop. "I mean, you have a point. I don't think Taeyong's fully sane, which is why he's doing all this without much thought about if it's right or not. At the same time, I can't excuse him or his actions. Torturing innocent humans and hybrids was never acceptable, and it never will be." Jungkook pointed out, shrugging.

Johnny nodded in agreement before turning to Yuta. "I completely agree with what Jungkook said. Yuta, I understand that you two are best friends, but you can't keep excusing his actions like this. It's not right, no matter how different he was in the past." Yuta huffed angrily. Jungkook moved a bit closer to Johnny, afraid to face Yuta's wrath. This time, it was Ten's turn to speak. "What he means is, what Taeyong is doing is happening in the present, which is now. What he was like before is in the past. Instead of excusing Taeyong's actions, you should try and stop him. You're his best friend, you should be able to crack the wall of ice Taeyong built around his heart."

Ten's voice caught Jungkook off guard, especially because he forgot Ten was sitting there. Yuta sighed. "You think I haven't tried? Taeyong won't listen to anyone, not even me. Anything I say to him goes in one ear and comes out from the other." Jungkook frowned at Yuta's words. If Taeyong wouldn't listen to Yuta, then he knew that something was very wrong with Taeyong. When Taeyong wanted to go home and hide during the war, no one except Yuta was able to convince him to fight. Now, Taeyong isn't even willing to listen to Yuta's words.

"If Taeyong has gotten to that point, then we know for sure that there's something very wrong with him." Yuta simply sighed while Johnny, Ten and Jinyoung looked at them with confused looks on their faces. "Did you seriously just realize that there's something wrong with Taeyong?" Ten asked, holding back the urge to facepalm. Johnny just chuckled nervously while Jinyoung was giving them looks of disapproval.

Jungkook used his spoon to scoop up a bit of porridge, stuffing it into his mouth while the others stared at him. Jinyoung coughed, averting everyone's attention. "Okay, that's enough of that. Jungkook, you're taking way too long. Hurry up already, I can't wait for you all day." He nagged again, making Jungkook roll his eyes and furiously stuff food down his throat.

He started training soon after he finished eating, running five laps around his mansion to warm up. The entire time, he was jokingly cursing at Taeyong in his mind. He wasn't anything like Kai and Taehyun who could train for five hours without taking a break. After he finished, he was out of breath and thirsty. "Okay, now onto using guns!" Jinyoung declared, making Jungkook groan in tiredness and frustration.

"If only Taeyong wasn't petty enough to start this shit in the first place."

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