Chapter 1

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    "What do you mean you're not partnering up with my company anymore?!" Jimin yelled in his office at a CEO from another company. "I'm sorry, but we decided to drop you because this project is way too risky. I'm not willing to proceed with this project and neither is any of my co-workers."

"What about the thousands of dollars I spent to prepare for this project?! Does all that money go down the drain just because you don't want to do this project?! Tell me!" Jimin demanded, slamming his fist on the table. "If we manage to earn the money, we'll pay it back. We can't for now since we don't have any money to give."

Frustrated, Jimin ran his fingers through his hair. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was desperately hoping that it was just some kind of disgusting prank that wasn't the least bit funny. Sadly, it wasn't a prank at all. He really just wasted thousands of dollars on a project that won't even happen.

How long has he been running his business now? About 3 years? Jimin watched as other rookie companies grow huge within a year while his was just barely getting by. What did their company have that his didn't? They both made good products that satisfied the public. They both have a good reputation. So what made his company inferior to the others?

Jimin didn't even have a car because he couldn't afford to buy one. When his company was about to go bankrupt, can he really afford to buy a car for himself? This meant that he had to walk home every single day. Rain or shine. He couldn't even take a break unless he wanted to sleep at his company overnight.

Some days were better than others, but this wasn't one of those good days. Just as he thought it couldn't get worse, it started raining. That meant that he had to walk home alone in the rain. The worst part? He didn't bring an umbrella because it wasn't in the weather forecast. He was convinced that the world hated him or something.

He gathered his things and prepared to walk home. Since he forgot his umbrella at home, he didn't have a choice but to use his bag as an umbrella. Jimin felt silly as he walked outside in the rain, noticing how people were looking at him weirdly. He ignored them the best he could and focused on getting home.

Within 20 minutes, he managed to get close to his apartment without getting totally soaked. A pretty good accomplishment for someone who didn't even have an umbrella to use. Just as he was about to go inside his rickety old apartment, he heard a yelp and some whimpers that followed soon after.

Jimin looked around him, but didn't see anything. Just as he was about to go inside his apartment, he saw a small bunny crawl out from the corner. He bent down to take a closer look at the bunny. It was skinny, soaking wet and clearly not in the best health. It still looked cute, so Jimin was willing to try and nurse it back to health.

He wrapped the small bunny in his arms and opened the door to his apartment. From there, he took the elevator while holding the small bunny close to keep it warm. When the elevator finally arrived on his floor, he rushed to his room as fast as he could to give the bunny some help as soon as possible.

Frantically, he basically pushed open the door and rushed inside, accidently slamming it behind him. The first thing he did was try and give the bunny a warm bath. He got the tap running and made sure the water was lukewarm.

Since he didn't have shampoo meant for bunnies, he just had to compromise with the shampoo he had. Jimin made sure to be extra careful about getting it in the bunny's face. While he washed the bunny, he noticed that it started purring quietly. He smiled, more determined to help the poor bunny.

Once he was finished washing the bunny and got rid of all the soap, he took him out of the bathtub and wrapped the shivering bunny in a towel. He rubbed the bunny carefully to try and dry it. Once the bunny stopped shivering, he got out the blowdryer and turned it on, startling the bunny.

Instantly, the bunny started hissing and tried to get away with the blowdryer. Jimin tried to calm it down by petting it while trying to dry it's fur. After a long, tedious hour of trying to dry the bunny, the bunny was finally dry. That meant that it was time for them to eat.

Jimin didn't know what bunnies could eat because he didn't have much experience, so he just got some lettuce from the fridge and hoped that bunnies could eat it. Of course, he split it into smaller pieces before actually handing it over to the small bunny. The moment the bunny started eating, he started making his own dinner.

It wasn't anything too fancy, just some simple fried rice. He made sure to make a bit more than he'd normally eat to make sure that he had enough for breakfast and lunch the next day. At times, living in the apartment alone was pretty lonely, so he resort to talking to the bunny while it ate.

"You were really hungry, weren't you?" Jimin asked lovingly, petting the bunny. He smiled when it started humming quietly while being petted. After he thought about the events that happened during the day, his smile instantly dropped. "Sorry, I'm not in a very good mood today. Something bad happened at work today, but you don't need to concern yourself with that. Just focus on becoming healthier, alright?"

After they finished eating, Jimin plugged in his dying phone and started to wash the dishes. He put the remaining lettuce in the fridge with his remaining fried rice. He sat on the couch with his new pet bunny and started cuddling after taking a shower and changing into pyjamas.

He eventually fell asleep on the couch which left the bunny wide awake. The small bunny lept out of Jimin's embrace and shifted into his human form. He still had his large, droopy bunny ears and his round, fluffy tail. He carried Jimin onto the bed and tucked him in before going to the washroom.

Once he was finished with his business in the washroom, he washed himself up once again and joined Jimin in the warm bed, forgetting to shift back. For a while, he just admired Jimin's features. His plump lips and his chubby cheeks. He resisted the urge to pinch Jimin's cheeks and just admired him.

"I finally found you." He whispered before pulling Jimin into an embrace and falling asleep beside him.

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