Showstopper (XXXVII)

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Once He Xiao made his way back to his spot, it was time for the judges to deliberate which ones they liked the most and which ones they found to be more lackluster than the others. They whispered all in a secretive manner into each other's ears, as if they were discussing something of national importance.

After a few more passes, they gave a nod to each other and looked over to Jiang Man. One of the staff members brought over a card of names in two categories. Taking a look at it, there was nothing surprising about their choices in his mind. He received it from the staff member and since he was in a good mood remembering their faces yesterday, it was as if he singing when he was convening the first group. "Would Xiao Rui, mob character A, mob character B, Hai Pixiu, Bai Taohua, mob character C, ..., mob character F, Xiao Nongzang, and He Xiao please come up."

(A/N: As you can see... I'm getting lazy at naming people...)

Da Feiji gave few compliments about their creativity, Ru Yitao applauded their strengths, and Xian Youqian who seemed the nicest out of the group blew kisses at them before slapping them in the face with what they needed to work on. It was like giving some sweets to a child just so you could bully them afterwards. He Xiao was always a serious learner, so he was earnestly taking in the critique from Xian Youqian as he is an experienced soldier in this field.

Even without his divination and body reading techniques, He Xiao had already known who it was that won this rounds challenge. It also wasn't a surprise.

Xian Youqian had an affable smile on his elegant face, " It was a hard choice to make and even though you've all done an outstanding job and stood out and above in this challenge, there was only one of you who we think truly deserves to win. We want to congratulate Xiao Rui for being meritorious in cunningly using elements in photography to make a masterpiece and really owning over his assigned phobia, achluophobia. Not only did he have one of the simpler phobias, it was also one of the most difficult to have under your control and master."

After a round of applause and some more pleasantries, they were all kicked out of the room. The cameras rolling at this time was the most important because not only would it be capturing their reactions to knowing who won, it would also film the tea spilling afterward. And one thing about humans? They really loves drama and gossip.

Many of the idols were unsatisfied, mumbling on the side. Some had a more severe reaction and threw a tantrum in their room, one such occupant was Xiao Nongzang. He screamed into his pillow for a time before deciding that he needed to physically vent it out. Going downstairs started punching the sandbag.

Xiao Nongzang wasn't a great fighter, but he was decent. So in a way, this benefited him as he was able to practice his punches and hooks, as well as getting some exercise done by shuffling around.

Xiao Rui just sneered at the idiot and continued to do what he would usually do. He didn't find it any different if he won this round or not; it only mattered on the very last challenge whether or not he won. So if the others want to grovel and moan, they can go ahead. They were just doing what they would always do in situations like this. Who are they for him to pay any attention to? Their matters didn't concern him.

He Xiao called it a night early, going back to the room to rest.

Sounds of the water running, the steam clouded the area like a veil. He was standing in the shower absentmindedly as the water poured down on him. Where his thoughts were and what he was thinking of? Only he knew.

Bringing his hands together and cupping, the water started to gather in his hands. The reflection was disrupted from the droplets, leaving only a distorted image. Once the water filled the palms of his hands, He Xiao brought his hands up, letting the water pour down. It was as if he was cleansing himself.

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