Beneath the Heavens (XXVII)

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A/N: Sorry for being gone for a bit. Life has been hectic~! Here are the chapters that I owe you!! Enjoy and thank you for reading, commenting, and voting!


Hearing Fu You's footsteps get closer, Fu Yemu's breathing essentially stopped. He was too frightened by the other's action for him to be afraid of what he saw. Hands clasped over his mouth, his eyes were focused intently on the actions of Fu You's hands. All he was able to do was plead that he would not be found out, that his location was still safe.

Losing track of time, Fu Yemu sat in that darkness. He was holding onto his knees and trembling. Hearing the sounds of his father get farther and farther away, tears tumbled down his cheeks.

He waited for what seemed like an eternity in the haunting silence before he deemed it to be safe. Crawling out from his temporary asylum, his clothes breathed in the blood on the ground and became a beautiful deep crimson colour. He swept his eyes over the room with vacuous eyes. There were only two things different about this room, the absence of his mother and the volume of blood accumulated in this room.

Everything that happened after became a blur for him. He didn't remember how long he took or much of anything that occurred after. He could only recount that he turned away and slowly walked out of the secret room. With his mind in calm but chaotic entropy, he did not worry about Fu You's return. That man was going to go scatter his mother's body parts right now, and he wouldn't be back for some time. Once he was outside of the room, Fu Yemu still had enough consciousness to be careful not to leave any trace. He can't afford being caught by his fa- By Fu You; he still had to keep his promise with his mother and protect Fu Aozi.

He tracked his way back from where he had entered from in a draggingly manner. He somehow made it there, his eyes looking at the vast beautiful sky filled with stars now. He may have once found them to be beautiful, but now... He felt nothing as he stared at it. Feeling the faint heat, he took a glimpsed at the talisman that was near its end. Fu Yemu watched it burn away into the air before he left the building.

In the same manner, he arrived, he departed the same way. In a haze, he sneakily entered his room and prepared a bath for himself.

Sitting in the hot water and surrounded by steam, Fu Yemu finally cried. He didn't know why he cried. Maybe it was for his unfortunate mother, maybe it was because Fu Aozi's and his uncertain future, or maybe it was because he felt useless. As he wept, he promised that this would be the very last time he would shed any tears.

Once he got out of the tub, his aura changed. He was no longer the youth who was insouciant and protected by his parents, but the youth who had everything to lose. Spending a few hours, he calmed his heart and mind. Methodologically planning on how to survive from this point on. After he was done, he walked out of his room in search of his father. He must put up the act and be as normal as he could be to avoid arousing Fu You's incertitude.

Upon his arrival, Fu Yemu descried the voices of strangers coming from within the meeting hall.

"Is there anything that you can do?"

Fu You's voice could be heard after. "I might have a way... But-"

"We'll do anything it takes! Please save our son!"

He hesitantly replied, "I... I will see what I can do, older brother."

Two voices filled with happiness thanked him, ""Thank you. Thank you so much, younger brother!""

Their actions made Fu Yemu feel sick, but he didn't move from his spot. After the departure of the guests, he went inside to find his father. Greeting him with false rejoice, Fu Yemu cupped his fist, "Father."

Fu You had already guessed his reason for coming. He stretched his hand out and placed it on Fu Yemu's shoulder, sighing with regret, "I'm sorry, Xiao Ye."

Hearing his fake concern, he was unable to control his feelings in which he thought he had good control over. Fu Yemu's body shook and the vein on his hand became prominent. Fearful that he might disclose himself, he lowered his head to mithe the emotions on his face. Fu You naturally didn't suspect his son and rubbed the top of his head, "Ah Yan was a brave woman. She died protecting a little boy."

His ludicrous reply almost made Fu Yemu vomit blood. Ah Yan? Died protecting a little boy? He wanted to jump on this man and bash his skull. Fu You had no right to call his mother in such a way. She loved him for so long and they shared so many moments together. For her it meant everything but for him, it was just cover-up. She didn't die protecting a little boy, she died protecting her own children. Most of all, it wasn't even the beast that had killed her but her own husband who ended her life.

Playing in his mind were the dying words of Xiong Yanzi. It would forever be on replay, reminding him until the day he dies what kind of a 'father' he has. Appalled and unable to withstand Fu You's phoniness, Fu Yemu excused himself and left the hall. The seed of wrath nuzzled its way into his heart and he was set on making this 'father' of his pay for the death of his mother.

Entering his room, he took out his sword and started venting out his frustrations as he cursed Fu You's existence. Only after his body was drenched in sweat and he could no longer lift his arms and legs did he finally stop and went back to rest.

When they awoke the next time, An Zhangyi felt the resoluteness in the marrow of his bones as he exited his room. A new day, a new him, a chance for him to secure his future, and an opportunity to drag Fu You into the depths of hell. As An Zhangyi observed from within Fu Yemu's eyes, he found that the actions from the other sects came a long way into making Fu Yemu, the kind of demon he was today.

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