Showstopper (XXXII)

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After boarding the bus, they drive over to an unspecified location the part of city that was still under development. A towering glass structure came into view, scintillating the radiance of the sun. It was like a giant crystal gem with its unique figure and the way the phosphorescence shone off the crystalline glass.

The idols were awed at the unparalleled edifice. Their faces were skillfully captured by the trusty cameramen stationed around, what a spectacle it would be to see it later on. Some were considerably obvious, others were minute in their reactions, and some were looking at the sky instead. The location of the building was one of the best spots in the newly renovated part of the city. There was a decent amount of space and it didn't feel cramp, it also wasn't overly empty to the point where it looked deserted.

The streets weren't crowded as many of the properties have yet to be developed, only construction workers could be seen roaming. The wonderful sounds of machinery, shouting, and pounding drifted through the air. Fortunately, they weren't right next door doing construction and were several streets away, otherwise, it would be too noisy.

Jiang Man gesticulated to the dazzling gigantic building, "This is the newly built infrastructure is called Bijou Précieux by the world famous architect, Lou Durand. This is one of the many buildings held under XR Entertainment and will be where today's main challenge will be held at."

The name 'Lou Durand' was a bolt of thunder. This thrifty, cunning, slippery eel of an architect was very hard to find. You would only know that he was still alive due to his works being publicized suddenly out of the blue. His works were astounding in their designs and very difficult to recreate. There was one thing that it never failed at doing, his designs always managed to shock the world every time.

Like little ducklings following mama duck, the idols shuffled by mama-duckling-host-Jiang Man and went inside the building.

The moment they entered, immediately, they were it with the cool aesthetics of the place. Inside was very spacious and gave off a clean and classy feeling with the muted dark gray, white, and silver colors. The furniture were all contemporary style, all matching with the colour scheme, yet it held a polished look to it and didn't look redundant in the color scheme. The furniture could have been said to be meticulously chosen, it would even be able to fit within the buildings belonging to top tier businesses.

Bai Taohua continuously clicked her tongue after taking in everything. Everything was so lavish, telling everyone who entered that they were rich. She was certain that if she chipped off a bit of anything within this building, the price given would be in the thousands.

There was a very strong urge brewing inside of her as she continued to look around. Bai Taohua really wanted to shake a certain someone until she was satisfied, as her eyes hurt, digesting all of the hundreds of billions of money that went into this building. Her heart bled furiously but at that sudden thought, a sly smile appeared on her lips. Knowing something that wasn't known by any others, her agitation was slightly alleviated.

Bai Taohua whipped her head around and stuck onto her two beautiful lambs. Whatever, that idiot could do whatever they wanted to do. She would just feast her eyes on the ikemen before her and get full by that.

Gathering inside of the elevators, they rode the elevator to the twelfth floor.

This was a floor exclusive to part of their photography division. In here you could find everything from a-z on photography, whether it be the cameras or the equipment. XR Entertainment certainly wasn't lacking in funds.

As if it wasn't enough to smack them with just this, the idols soon found out that there were two floors total. Ah, f*ck! Who needed two floors for this?!

XR employees: Obviously we need it. ( ̄~ ̄)

Jiang Man was secretly sneering inside. He was very sadistic inwardly and couldn't wait for their reactions.

He took them into one of the larger rooms and stood before them. The room was large enough to accompany all thirty participants and the cameramen and they could all still stick out their arms and twirl, and they wouldn't touch each other's arms or hands. On the wall behind where Jiang Man was standing, there were two very large screens that were currently off. They were comparable to the size of the screens at the theater...

Clearing his throat, Jiang Man excitedly announced, "Let's welcome in your judges for this challenge!"

At this time, the doors on the far side of the room abruptly open and three grand figures entered the door. The idols weren't numb enough by the wow factors from before and many of them were openly gaping with bulging eyes. It was already shockingly rare to see them the first time but this is the second time! Second time! Second time, we say!

Jiang Man, "We welcome back the honorable Da Feiji, esteem Ru Yitao, and the lovely Xian Youqian. They will be your judges for this main challenge!"

Da Feiji was looking as suave as ever, wearing a long sleeve navy blue sweater with a light grey dress shirt underneath, a pair of long straight dark toned khaki pants, and a pair of matching grey polo shoes, his style was proper and matched his image perfectly. Even though he is in his mid-forties, his skin seemed to be as smooth and radiant as a baby's butt. He was more like a man in his early thirties than someone who was in the age range where they were considered an 'old man' by the masses. His phoenix eyes sharpened slightly as he observed them. The sudden fierceness scared some of the participants who were staring at him and they averted their eyes.

Ru Yitao was much more milder despite being more of literary movie director. His style more loose and carefree. Only sporting a pale blue dress shirt that had the top buttons unbuttoned, it showed off his flawless clavicles, pair of slender light tan colored pants, and a pair of white shoes. Ru Yitao's hair was parted right in the middle, showcasing his forehead and full straight brows. The hairstyle went amiably with his circular black rimmed glasses.

The aura around him was much gentler, making the others rather focus on him than the person next to him, but He Xiao noticed the same intelligent look in his eyes. One could not underestimate him just because of his looks, he was the same monster underneath that skin of his as childhood friend was.

Xian Youqian was cleanly dressed. He was in a white band collar button up shirt, an ombre grey sweater where the shoulders were where the darkest colors were and gradually lightens as it went lower, a pair of black casual suit trousers, and a pair of black shoes with white midsoles. Every single one of his movements were elegant and charming, befitting his career of being a supermodel. He was like a 'little white moonlight'¹, they could look but they could never come close.

If only it was known that someone was grumbling at home, making humorless jokes to pass time as they stared at the clock and waited for this little white moonlight... Perhaps his fans would be looking at him in another light. It was almost like he was keeping someone in his private golden house².

All of idols greeted the judges respectfully when they came to stand next to Jiang Man. It was as if they were in full support of what was to come.


¹Little white moonlight: 小白月光, literally translates to that. It is a Chinese slang that refers to someone who can be admired or loved from afar (*cough* your idols essentially) but they cannot be claimed/ touched.

²Golden house: it is an idiom used to describe a magnificent house built for a beloved woman (mistress).

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