Showstopper (V)

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He Xiao raised an eyebrow. Ah, his system's lover's vessel this time around seemed to be in a much higher position. Remembering the past world, he had it quite hard getting away from of his nagging brother Xiong Jifeng. There was one time where he was chased by Xiong Jifeng for telling him that he wouldn't marry just anyone in his life; his heart had already belonged to someone else a long time ago. When he asked who, Xiong Teyi had answered in a serious expression, "The mighty God above, Bao Bao."

It earned him thirty good thrashes from Xiong Jifeng who was too exasperated to even scold him, but he stopped asking about the subject after that day. In the end, Bao Bao had to rub ointment on his behind because it was beet red from the beating he got.

Judging from his current voice, He Xiao could already guess the identity of the body. It was his big boss, Tai Lichun¹ the owner and CEO of BB Entertainment. Hearing the sound of their footsteps come closer, he descried his imposing figure. Dressed in a black top coat with his raven coloured hair gelled to the side, the contours of his southeastern Asian features stood out more. His body emanated an unapproachable aura and he would've been the perfect CEO figure if not for the small elf clinging on his back and kissing his cheeks nonstop.

Bao Bao pecked his cheeks in a vehement manner like they had been separated for centuries and Tai Lichun seemed unaffected by the slobbering mess he had laid on his cheeks. His eyes gave off a warm feeling as he gazed at Bao Bao while squeezing his plump behind every so often.

After his passive skill wore off, he went to work and left the building. He Xiao left Mo Wang and Tai Lichun to discuss their business while he stayed with Lin Jun Kai and sketched. Talking almost all evening and showing everything they had attained in this world while waiting for him, Lin Jun Kai soon ran out of steam and fell asleep. His face had a joyful smile, but He Xiao knew that underneath it all, he was afraid. Afraid of losing everything that he had right now, that their happy moments would suddenly come to an end. He knew where his Lin Jun Kai's trauma stemmed from, and it was only slowly and recently that he started to show some independence and recovery from the event.

He gave a meaningful glance at the sleeping child who held no worries. Giving Lin Jun Kai's back a gentle pat, he cooed, "Everything will be alright."

As he said those words, it was uncertain whether he was speaking it to comfort himself or his son. By the time, Mo Wang came into the room, the two of them were curled up next to each other sleeping. He leaned on the door frame with his arms crossed as he looked around the room, they would need to find a bigger place as he needed to move his things in.


Feeling someone stroking his chest faintly, He Xiao scrunched up his brows. He instinctually didn't sense anything dangerous around him and so he was less vigilant, so his lover's salty pig hands² took advantage of it and teased his body. They traced up from his v-line to one of the buds on his chest and gently plucked at it. Pursing his lips, He Xiao squinted at his lover and croaked with a hoarse voice, "Ah Wang."

Grinning, Mo Wang kissed his lips, "Good morning, Xiao Xiao."

Before he could even hum an answer, his breath was stolen away. His caress sent tingling sensations down his spine, his heart beating fast. Pulling away, Mo Wang licked the drool by the corner of his lips. A mirth light flickered in his eyes unscrupulously. Looking over his shoulder, He Xiao saw that the sun has yet to rise and the sky was still dark. Sitting up, he stretched his arms, "It's only 5:39, where's Xiao Jun?"

In the previous world, he wouldn't have to wake up until nine, but because he returned to Bao Bao's space and spent time training, his sleeping schedule became all messed up as there was essentially no time in the training space. For He Xiao, he would need to adjust his sleeping hours in this world. Mo Wang beckoned him over and pointed to the door. Looking through the crack, he saw a little busy man running back and forth. His lips quirked up, forming a noticeable smile. He Xiao pulled his lover back on the bed and laid down, he didn't want to disrupt his rhythm. Hearing the footstep come closer, the two of them closed their eyes, pretending to sleep.


Poking his head in, Lin Jun Kai peeped at the two 'sleeping' figures and beamed a smile. Taking a confident step forward, he opened his mouth, "Mommy, daddy~! I made breakfast!"

Opening the slits of their eyes, they peeked at waddling Lin Jun Kai carrying a tray filled with food. It was a simple meal; fish congee with pickled vegetables, warm soymilk, and some deep-fried dough sticks. The steam from the food obscured his tiny face that was filled with pride.

Mo Wang got up and helped Lin Jun Kai onto the bed with the food still in his hands. His cheeky smile never waning the entire time. He Xiao poked his nose, "Is that why you wouldn't let me look at the screen?"

Giggling, he winked, "It had to stay a secret, mommy! I wanted it to be a surprise."

He Xiao kissed his loveable cheek, "Thank you, sweetie. Did you cook all of this?"

Lin Jun Kai rubbed his nose, "Not all of it. Daddy helped fry the bread for me and cut up the fish. The pickled vegetables and soymilk were already in the fridge... I only made the congee and the dough, and heated up the milk, mommy."

Looking at Mo Wang, the lad only grinned at him. He lifted the spoon and took a bite of the congee, "It's very good."

Eyes glimmering like the night sky, Lin Jun Kai sheepishly laughed, "Hehe. That's good. This is my first time making it for mommy."

Mo Wang ruffled his hair, earning a small glare from him. "He's been working hard."

He Xiao smiled, "You made food with daddy before?"

Bobbing his head, Lin Jun Kai sipped the warm soymilk, "Yes, I asked daddy to teach me."

Lowering the cup, a milk mustache was left behind, making him look kinda foolish but it was befitting to his figure. The three of them ate their breakfast at a slow pace, chatting along the way. After they ate, they would rest for an hour before setting off to the residence where He Xiao would be living for half of a month for the shoot of 《All Stars》.


¹Tai Lichun: 泰 tai means safe, peaceful, & 立春 lichun means the beginning of spring.

²Salty pig hands: '咸猪手' xianzhushou borrowed phrase from Cantonese meaning groper/ sexual pervert. Salty pig hands is the literal meaning.

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