Showstopper (XIV)

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A/N: You will all be receiving a ton of notifications from me today as I'm updating until 10.28. Hope you enjoy the super mass release!! Thank you reading, voting, and commenting!


"In 《All Stars》, there will be five mysterious challenges that you will have to overcome in order for you to win. Prior to the main challenge, a mini-challenge maybe issued. If you are able to complete it, the winner(s) depending on what the mini challenge was, will be awarded an advantage to the core contest. There are thirty of you right now, but there is only one allotted spot at the end. You will compete against each other to fight for the not only the grand prizes, but a special gift provided personally by Chairman Liang"

"Everyone is to gather in the lounge every day by 9 AM and will depart to the location for the contest. If you are late, you will be left behind. So think twice about whether or not you want to get out of bed, as you will be forfeiting your chance that day. And if it is a day of a mini challenge? Then, it's too bad. You are here to compete, so bring out the best in you."

Everyone listened attentively as Jiang Man spoke. For those who had a similar sleeping habit as the original He Xiao, their faces were filled with worry and they all planned to place as many alarms as needed for them to wake up.

He continued to elucidate, "At the end of every round, five people will be sent home. Those who succeed in passing the stage will not have to relocate to another room if your roommate has been eliminated and can stay in the same room. You can also move in with another participant if the other party agrees and there is room. Just make arrangements according to your wishes. That's all that there is, I am looking forward to what you will bring to the first season of 《All Stars》 and see you tomorrow morning at 9 AM, idols."

After Jiang Man finished speaking, everyone took their belongings and started to enter the elevator. Thankfully the elevator wasn't small and could squeeze about a fourth of the contestants with their luggage. A few rounds went by, and finally, the four of them were able to go into the elevator and got off at their appropriate floors.

He Xiao entered inside of his dorm room and found it to be a little smaller than his own bedroom at his apartment. Two twin size beds were allocated on each end of the room with their own desk and chair. The rest of the furniture inside was very simple and their uses were meant for storage. There was a door not far from the entrance that led to the bathroom. Inside was formatted to a Japanese style bathroom. There was a showering area next to a small sized bathtub, a toilet, sink, and a regular sized cabinet for storing toiletries.

Finishing unpacking, He Xiao took out his phone and dialed his lover's number. It rang less than a second before the other side picked up. A cheerful and bright voice sounded through the speakers of the phone, "Hi, mommy!"

Chuckling, he sat down, "Hello, Xiao Jun. Have you two eaten yet?"

Lin Jun Kai mumbled, "Yes... But it doesn't taste as good as when you're here though."

He Xiao smiled. His son was extremely adorable, there was no difference in the taste as Mo Wang was the one who cooked the meal. Knowing how his husband was, there was no way that he would fail to cook as he had done so for so long before. But it was true that there was a psychological effect where your brain is swayed to interpret the meal more 'heartwarming' and 'sumptuous' when accompanied by your loved ones.

As they chatted, Lin Jun Kai talked about everything but the show and what his mother was doing. His father had already discussed the terms of the contract with the young boy, so he knew what he shouldn't inquire about. They didn't speak telepathically because just as with Tai Lichun, there was some sort of interference. At first, his lover wanted to do an in-depth examination on his soul, but he refused because not only would it consume his energy, his time to handle his matters would also decrease. Although, it was unknown why they were unable to as long as he had a method of contacting his son, finding out could wait until after the important issues were dealt with.

Ending the call, Lin Jun Kai had sent over a million kisses to his mother and reminded him to call him at night. He Xiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It seemed like their roles were reversed and he (LJK) was the concerned mother while He Xiao was the child out in the dangerous world. Mo Wang was only able to squeeze in at the end, shamelessly asking for a kiss as well as an 'I love you, Ah Wang'.

Hearing the doorknob turn, he looked up to see Xiao Rui enter the room. With his top coat gone, his beautiful body frame was visible for the naked eye to see and gave off a strong and alluring vibe. He stood by the door and said in a cool voice, "They're coming to ask about lunches."

He Xiao hummed, "En. Thank you, senior."

He expected the Xiao Rui to come back and get something, and by chance notifying him because he saw him but... Gazing at the unmoving figure, he found that the male lead was waiting on him. Standing up, he walked to the door, "Thank you for coming to get me."

Xiao Rui touched his nose, "It's no problem."

He actually didn't pay much attention to He Xiao as they weren't quite acquainted with each other yet. Only when he was nagged by Bai Taohua to go and bring him down, did he act.

It was only made as if he had just arrived and entered the room, but in actuality, he arrived at the start of He Xiao's call. Xiao Rui felt a little awkward and didn't want to enter, disrupting his call so he waited outside. Naturally, he heard He Xiao's and Lin Jun Kai's conversation and a new light was shed upon him (HX) in the process unknowingly. Now, his attitude was a little bit warmer towards He Xiao.

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