Everlasting Melody (VI)

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Months had elapsed since He LiGe's arrival at school, he had been able to worm his way and befriend Ruan CangHai. He LiGe was rather a popular teacher for his distinctive effeminate features, his attitude in treating everyone the same regardless of status, and his class was intuitive for his students. He could remember where everyone's level of expertise was and tailored their mentoring so that it would be beneficial for them and they improved by leaps and bounds. It had caused Gao Min to snort, he had always known that his bestie was going to be popular, they kept denying his claims and now they owe him a home cooked meal.

From Bao Bao's investigation, Ruan Cang Hai's uncovered past was filled with unfortunate events. That made them become attached to Jian ChaHua due to the circumstances that surrounded his family and for a derisory reason. He LiGe found them to be quite pitiful in the original plot. Working so hard to earn his freedom to only end up watching the only thing that had been the light of hope for you for so long just suddenly slip away and be left behind by them.

Through Ruan CangHai and his interactions whether it was in class or outside of class, it showed that they had a form of friendship between the two of o them that was more than just teacher and student, as it was more of a elder brother and younger brother. The amount of time Ruan CangHai would seek out He LiGe, to either chat or listen to him play the violin and give feedback had become more and more frequent. The first impression they had of He LiGe was favorable and they found them to be very easy to talk to, there was something about him that gave them a sense of security when they talked about personal matters, there was no worry about things slipping out or it being used to blackmail them with.

Sometimes, Ruan CangHai would divulge to He LiGe on their thoughts, feelings, and even small bits and pieces of their past. He always felt better when he talked with He LiGe, it alleviated the burden and pressure he was carrying on his shoulders.

Song WuYou's and Ruan CangHai's relationship also deepened, they could be seen walking with each other or talking to each other most of the time in school. The relationship that was supposed to have been rivalries had been turned into one of friendship. The two of them was something that had broken the norm, as many of the aristocrats wouldn't have interacted with any of the scholarship students. Ruan CangHai treated Song WuYou better than those who were of the similar status as he was, it caused some minor issues to occur. Some of the other aristocrats who were more arrogant believed that Song WuYou was only using Ruan CangHai as a way of gaining popularity, and that they didn't deserve to be their Ruan CangHai's friend. Not only did Ruan CangHai come to Song WuYou's defense and publicly call all those who were talking, but He LiGe used his small ounce of connection without his family to suppress those families that dared to bully his lover.

Although many would see Ruan CangHai and Song WuYou compete, they were always courteous with each other and never overstepped their boundary to try and kick the other down. It was only a test of skills, not a showcase of their superior over the other and suppress them.

The day of Jian ChaHua hearing Song WuYou's recital had occurred, but there was no 'awe' or 'surprised' element when she heard it. He was already very well known in the musical world, she was just like any other fan of his and extolled and marveled at their talent. Jian ChaHua only stayed until the end of their piece before she left as she did not want to be embarrassed by Song WuYou's blunt words and actions once again.

She had initiated the actions of befriending Song WuYou a month prior to the event. Jian ChaHua had finally gathered all of her courage and panegyrize Song WuYou, asking if she could be his friend along the way in her sputtering prattle. Thinking that she hadn't messed up and that they would agree, she felt elated. That was until their emotionless voice slapped her across the face, "I'm not interested in becoming your friend."

His voice wasn't small nor was it too loud, and the students within the vicinity had heard everything clearly and with him just walking past her. Jian ChaHua's face turned red from the humiliation, as they slighted her without any care for the fairer sex in front of many students.

She rushed off with tears glistening in her doey eyes in search of the only person who she could turn to at this point. They would comfort her and make her feel better... They always did each and every time. Jian ChaHua felt a little better thinking about her talk with them that was soon to happen. Searching the entire school ground, she could not find Ruan CangHai. Pouting her lips and going up to the front of the school, she walked passed a couple of whispering students and overheard that the one she had been looking for had already left with Song WuYou earlier. They were surprised at how close the two was. This gave her an uncomfortable feeling in her heart as they would have always waited for her and escorted them home, but now she had to go home by herself. Jian ChaHua balled up her fists and shoved all of her books into her bag before getting into her ride.

Not being able to meet Ruan CangHai did not impede on her goal. Jian ChaHua tried again the next day, she went to his morning class as when she had gone to his home, they had already left for school. Seeing him in the hallway, she sighed in relief until she could recognize the figure by their side, Song WuYou. It made the braveness she had suddenly evaporate. Those salient eyes pricked at her scalp and made her skull feel numb. Jian ChaHua only bid them a 'good morning' before darting off to her class. She found herself to be unable to withstand those arctic eyes. It was quite the irony as she was afraid of Song WuYou, but she still admired the youth.

In all of her life, she hadn't felt so hopeless in a situation before. Always being showered with attention, love, and adoration. Others would pity her, and making friends or even approaching someone had never been this hard. It was like her natural likableness was negated whenever Song WuYou was involved, it was like punching cotton. It was like no matter what she will attempt to do, they would give her the same response forever and not budge.

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