Showstopper (XXX)

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A/N: heheh... whooooops. Reading the comments... i realized I forgot to upload the one chapter... Here's the missing one. *cough* forgive me...


By the time the three of them returned, they only had a quarter of an hour left. They spent the rest of the time wandering around with Lin Jun Kai using the phone to take photos of the time they spent together.

Obviously, the little one wanted to have a silly photo in his collection (A/N: You mean... M̶o̶ ̶W̶a̶n̶g̶'̶s̶ ), but could He Xiao and original stone block know how to act 'silly'?

The apparent answer would be 'no'. You would be stupid to even ask. If somehow they were miraculously able to, the sun would be rising from the west.

Thankfully, He Xiao never had a vessel where he had to be facetious, otherwise, he might need to take up the acting skill from the system.

Their actions weren't so surprising and didn't draw much attention, as most managers were close with their idols. Because Lin Jun Kai was the one taking the photos, it did not raise anyone's suspicion. He was only a child and his actions were innocent of any ulterior meaning.

Mo Wang was a diamond tiered manager and was renown in the entertainment circle for his skills. Who would not know just how much Manager Mo adored Lin Jun Kai? He was also known to dote on his son very much. It was to a point where someone who had no brains tried to used Lin Jun Kai as a way to get closer to him and ended up losing their job and disappearing not long after. Dare to touch the inverse scale of a dragon, one must bear the consequences of doing so.

So, seeing him carry his son and be close to He Xiao, many would only conclude that he was acquiescing to his son's needs.

When they had to part, Lin Jun Kai pouted pitifully and sagged his arm as he mumbled his valediction. Son and father shared the same melancholic feelings as they departed. It was only when they pulled up the photos taken did their expressions lighten up. Mo Wang ruffled Lin Jun Kai's short black hair, "Good."

He took many photographs of all three of them and it ranged within the hundreds. All of them were perfectly taken without any shakiness nor any blur; capturing the tranquil and warm moment completely.

Once they got in the car, Tai Lichun was already sitting inside with a distraught expression. Prior, he had only spent five minutes with Bao Bao when he suddenly dashed off, leaving only the flustered words of busy 'I'm busy'. At that time, Tai Lichun didn't know what kind of chicken blood was injected into Bao Bao for him to dash off so mercilessly without looking behind once.

He does not know what requests are made between He Xiao and Bao Bao, only trusting on what his little lover told him. It is true that a lover is a lover until their child comes along¹.

A vicious light flickered in his eyes. Once he finally gets his hand on that little sheep that has been roaming to eat grass, he will make sure to grab on and not let go.

Mo Wang, who sat in the back as if he was the CEO and not Tai Lichun doesn't inquire about his boss' situation, and they discuss business as the car sets off back to the company. If Tai Lichun needed his assistance, he would have asked. So, since, he has yet to say anything, Mo Wang would remain silent about it.

By the time they return back to the dormitory, it was already in the evening. They all quickly ate dinner and resumed communications and activity until nightfall. Many took Jiang Man's advice and decided to get a good night's rest for the big day tomorrow. They didn't accidentally want to flop an arm and fail, resulting in the getting kicked out.

He Xiao tactfully did not interact too much with Xiao Rui and the other two. Someone was already itching inside of their room, trying to figure out if there was really any connection or not.

Xiao Nongzang was already humiliated enough by today's events. Not only did he receive mockery from almost all of the guests going through the House of Horrors, but he could also already imagine his image when this episode airs. Xiao Nongzang's face was as dark as the bottom of a burnt pan as he threw his things about in the room.

When he left with his makeup artist, he showed derision against her as she was someone who held an occupation beneath his feet. As a result, the two gradually fell farther apart and the makeup artist decided that rather than talking with this arrogant young master, it would be better to just go with what he thought was best. She had already spent the first half hour arguing with him as she did not agree with his point of view on a mogwai.

Once Xiao Nongzang wanted something one way, his hard-headed self would not budge from his opinion. Who cared for a little makeup artist's opinion? She was not the one who was going to be acting this out, so he took it as it was a 'do it as I say and shut up'.

When he saw the finished results, his face contorted uglily and he pushed the blame onto the makeup artist for being unskillful and for her creativity to be even worse than a three-year-old. Xiao Nongzang looked like one of them ugly trolls that were hairy beyond belief. There were also one too many specific details that he wanted her to do, causing his overall look to be... Too much.

When someone would gaze at him, they wouldn't know where to look at exactly. It was also confusingly put together as if someone couldn't decide on what to do and smashed whatever they could grab. Very naturally, some of the elements clashed together and caused him to look even more horrific and hysterical looking.

Xiao Nongzang could still feel the contemptuous gaze from many of the guests, making his blood boil. Especially many of the special guests. Their ridiculing look made him feel ashamed, but why should he be?

Not only were his looks beyond that of what a mortal could attain, but his skills were also at the level of a professional. Just wait until I stand on top. I will make you all grovel at the bottom of my feet. He leered inwardly as he memorized who he had to collect a debt from in the future.

Xiao Nongzang was confident in his own abilities as he had been lauded by many of the other idols, saying that he was fit to win the title of the Silver Screen King.

Being told this so much, it somehow integrated itself into his mind and he would forever think that the Silver Screen King title was easy peasy. Sooner or later, it would be his anyway. Bootlicked one too many people, Xiao Nongzang's imperviousness and conceitedness were at the unprecedented levels of a deranged narcissistic imbecile. Even Bao Bao would make a mockery of his stupidity.

Bao Bao already had a belly full of complaints against Xiao Nongzang.

Have you looked at yourself in the mirror today? Or perhaps yesterday, or you know the day before that? Maybe you kept cracking all the mirrors, therefore you're unable to see just how ugly you are! Hmph! <(`^')> This grandfather guarantees that without your little water army and father assisting you, you would have never gotten this far! If this grandfather is wrong, this grandfather will be willing to change this grandfather's name to Yan²! (╬ಠ益ಠ)

Heavily sighing, he sat down on his bed. His hands were clasped together and his elbows were resting on his knees as he fell into contemplation. It was good that Xiao Rui did not win the mini-challenge as it would only insult his ego, to lose to a brat with no mother and a father that did not want him.

His train of thought landed on He Xiao, who won the mini-challenge.

Xiao Nongzang's eyes narrowed into slits with a dangerous light fluttering within it. He would test the waters in the next challenge, and if he only found him to be a nuisance, he wouldn't hesitate to suppress this low-rank idol who had just freshly debuted. His father held enough power to discriminately deal with this vase³.


¹A lover is a lover until their child comes along: Twisting the idiom, 'a son is a son until he takes a wife because Bao Bao dropped Tai Lichun (Yan Yu) more than once for He Xiao (Ains).

²Yan: The 'Yan' Bao Bao spoke about is 烟. Care to guess?

³Vase: In here the meaning refers to someone only knowing how to be pretty but is useless.

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