Showstopper (XXV)

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His cheerful laughter echoed throughout the hallways and caused the whole environment to be even more eerie and spooky than with the empty silence from before. For those who were wandering, they could only pinpoint that it was either in front or behind them, but they couldn't see a single shadow of the culprit.

What made it worse was that the laughter seemed to constantly follow right behind them no matter how much distance they put in.

Many became frightened, especially the group that entered in after them. They had been so afraid that they almost aborted the thought of going through the entire mansion.

Cursing the mastermind behind it all, the group wanted to strangle the person. Now they were going to have even more terrifying nightmares. Tears shed from their eyes, not out of sadness but extreme fright. If they died, they swore that they would haunt every single of the ghost actors, actresses, and the staff members!

Lin Jun Kai was oblivious to his accidental 'participation' and was innocently shot at while lying down. It wasn't as if he had purposefully acted so as he wasn't that interested in the event itself and was only here to see one thing, and one thing only.

As for his voice, it was just that the halls were too quiet and the material in which the corridors were made out of were perfect for one's voice to echo freely down its stillness. He was clearly busy enjoying his time with his father and alleged 'uncle' in name.

So which two eyes saw that he deliberately scared people? Hmph! \\٩(๑'ε'๑)۶//

Entering into the darkness after the turn from the lightly illuminated hallway. There was only the faint lighting from the sole window in the room. It was covered by the heavy curtains, only allowing the illumination to fall upon an elderly figure sitting on the worn chaise. Because of the stark contrast, it automatically attracted all of their attention within the caliginosity.

Their hands could be faintly seen moving with a very thin red thread and a hair-thin silver needle. The repeated sounds of something constantly dripping could also be auscultated from the extremely quiet room.

Unlike the previous old lady ghost that garnered their attention, this one did not notice their entrance. Instead, it seemed as if it was too absorbed in whatever it was doing to sense anything else happening around it.

Lin Jun Kai happily called out, "Excuse me, granny~! Being in the dark like this while sewing isn't good for you. Do your eyes hurt?"

Hai Pixiu almost choked at the ridiculous remark. Weren't you supposed to proceed with trying to get to the next room instead of being concerned for the well being of a ghost and hitting a conversation with him!? Also, who's your granny?! He can't even get pregnant!

The corner of his eyes twitched as he sat in the chaise but his hands had not stopped moving once since their arrival.

Lin Jun Kai saw that the granny ghost hadn't made a move and swiveled his head around. Because of what he inherited from his father, his eyesight was much sharper than normal humans. He could discern the outlines of the objects inside the room from one another.

Mentally collecting the number of items inside of the room, he found that there were a lot more doors inside of this space. So, they made it so couldn't just walk past them if they wanted to this time around... Or so they would have assumed.

Being able to guess the correct door was like turning a hand over or breathing for them, not a big challenge at all. But since they wanted to play... He'll play along, because he'll have more things to tell his mother about.

Pursing his lips, Lin Jun Kai proceeded ask the key question, "Granny~ Do you know the way to the next room?"

The figure finally moved its head and looked up. A face filled with age and eyes colored in white faced them as they sat in the chair decayed by time. A smile spread on their thin lips exposing their pearly white teeth that were perfect in each and every way possible, "Oh, grandson. I did not see you there."

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