Everlasting Melody (VII)

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But from that situation, she finally came to a realization that Ruan CangHai hadn't been spending time with her as often as he had done so before. Now whenever she needed to find him, she would have to go and search for him instead of him being by her side already. It only flamed the unpleasant and disquieted feeling in her chest. Every time she approached them she would deter because of Song WuYou's gaze, if only she knew that the reason they looked at others the way they did was because they couldn't spend time with He LiGe.

When they would vent to He LiGe, it made them not know whether to laugh or cry. Song WuYou had only intervene in this because the didn't like how Ruan CangHai had been spending too much time with them and that their time in this world was being wasted away and to assist them in faster completion of their tasks and missions. His interference had caused Ruan CangHai's blackening to not be possible in this timeline.

Subsequently without Ruan CangHai by Jian ChaHua's side, they were now defenseless. Those who had either been eyeing her as a potential candidate or those who disliked her were able to reach her, the impervious wall that had been blocking their way had vanished. But this just showed how great her white lotus halo was in this world as even without Ruan CangHai, others would happily jump the gun for her and take the bullet. They flocked together and came to Jian CangHai's defense as if it was the natural thing to do.

She had a gaping feeling inside that things shouldn't have progressed this way. She should've had someone to accompany and support her as well as a caring lover and soulmate here at school, but she had nothing. The only thing she had acquired was a lonesome feeling.

Feeling neglected by her fiance, Jian ChaHua focused her attention on Ruan CangHai in place of Song WuYou. Being refuted once had given her an everlasting scar and she had enough common sense to be able to comprehend when to give up. The other party had already showed their disinterest in her, she did not want to chase something that would never be hers. Her request had been genuine and innocent in its purpose, but it had caused problems to arise in the original plotline.

To gain Ruan CangHai's attention Jian ChaHua had done for them what they had been doing for her, coming to greet them in the morning, waiting outside of their classroom after class ends, eating lunch with them, asking them out on outings, visiting their homes on the weekends, and even spending time with his family. The eleven years worth of friendship was something precious that they shared between each other. Jian ChaHua did not want to simply let it disappear.

With things settled at school, He LiGe was able to focus on his own vessel's problems, Wan Siyu. He had started breaking the relationship and it seemed that the wind is blowing favorably in their direction. Bao Bao was able to dig out Wan Siyu's hidden secret, they had been betrothed to another since they were young. It was something established out of pure business gains.

Their fiance was a young miss from a large neighboring company, and they were a typical golden spoon fed heiress. She could be seen venturing exclusive and luxurious parties and events that only the affluent and rich families could attend to. Wherever and whenever she was seen, she would be glittering with her showcase of the prominent wealth and status she had. Being the only child, she had received the love of two parents that most could only dream of. Being handed everything she wanted and having it at her fingertips, she was living the dream life.

Being on the news many time for dating celebrities, her name was not something that was unknown to the public. The engagement was something that was long forgotten by her as she had only been informed of it when she was a child and didn't take it seriously. That was up until recently, her parents had informed her of their wishes of finally having her meet her fiance. They had arranged many dinners so that the two could finally meet with each other, but each time Wan Siyu would fox his way out of having to do so. He had voiced his apathy for a relationship that was based off of business ventures and not out of love to his parents, Wan Siyu saw no future in that.

The official meeting in which they would've met each other for the first time would be in a month's time and it would turned disastrous. In the original storyline, they would have only met for a brief amount of time before Wan Siyu would have received that heart stopping phone call and leave his fiance at the restaurant by herself. It would be on the day of the concert, also being the day where the original He LiGe would have died on.

He LiGe had been directly evading on meeting up or spending time with Wan Siyu, he would either use school or Gao Min as an excuse to avoid seeing them.

When He LiGe wasn't dragged off by Gao Min on their mini adventures, he would be spending it with his family. The first time that Lin Jun Kai had come over, it brought great surprise for He LiGe; the young child had finally aged. They were much taller than they were before, reaching to their waist and their baby fat had slimmed down. Holding a mix of features from both the fifth world as well as He LiGe's original world, Lin Jun Kai held exquisite features. The black hair from his mother and the dark brown eyes that almost seemed black from their father from the fifth world, but the facial features that they had was that from his original appearance.

Upon seeing their mother, Lin Jun Kai flew off like a typhoon and jumped into their embrace. Their legs latched on tightly like a koala on He LiGe's body, causing them to laugh as they patted their back. He LiGe hugged them and kissed their forehead, looking at Song WuYou for an explanation. They languidly went over to the sofa and flopped onto it, before they started explaining. Because his soul was a mix of human and God, their physical development would be tremendously slowed down. It would be another thousand years or so before Lin Jun Kai would age once more.

He LiGe hugged the grown child in his arms, "You're growing up, Xiao Jun."

Lin Jun Kai blushed, "Of course, mommy. Xiao Jun will grow up to be big enough one day to protect you."

He kissed He LiGe back on their cheek and blushed even harder. Smiling at his child, He LiGe felt like it was only yesterday when a small little bunbun was following him. Now they were already at his waist, with their features becoming more prominent, and they were slightly larger as he held them in his embrace. His eyes casted a hasty shadow as he thought about the future, his eyelashes concealing the bitterness that was held in them.

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