End of Arc 9: Beneath the Heavens (XXXV)

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A/N: Ah, here we are at the very last chapter for arc 9! I didn't think that it would be this long for the last chapter... *sips water* Hehe... Ahem! I feel like I haven't been writing any pa pa pa recently... So I'll write one in this arc.(。•̀ᴗ-)✧ !!Warning!! There will be mature content towards the end of this chapter. If you are uncomfortable with explicit content, skip the snu snu scene~! Thank you and enjoy!


A slight crease appeared between his eyebrows. An Qingfeng, "..."

An Zhangyi laughed lightly, "I will bring you to meet them tomorrow."

Not allowing him to refute it, he kicked him out of his room. Waving at his older brother who seemed a little lost in his thoughts, he warmly sends them away. Pondering over what was left for him to do, there wasn't much. An Zhangyi only had to monitor his older brother until things settled down, establish contact with his husband so that they could get married with no issue, and find an heir from a handful of illegitimate children to take over the Longhu An Sect.

Night soon came as a result of a visit from the original's parents. They yapped their mouths nonstop and he had to smile and nod his head at them as they talked. His brain ached a little from talking with Li Yuemao as all she talked about was him getting well and taking over the sect. Thankfully, there was Bao Bao by his side who helped pass time even faster.

Leaving the window unlocked, An Zhangyi sat by the open window gazing at the crescent moon. He ruminated about the subject in his mind a million times but he was a little disinclined to let it go. The vision of that day looped in his mind as if it was on replay, constantly reminding him. Their words forever whispering to his ears so that he could not forget.

Holding a hand out to the moon, An Zhangyi glanced at the moon from the space between his fingers. How long until this view becomes a memory in his mind? He recalled the first night he saw the moon, he couldn't tear his eyes away from the view. High above in the sky, the soft cool brilliance resonated with his soul. Oddly, the solitary pale orb made him feel calm and eased his inimical emotions back then. Even now, he liked basking in the frore effulgence.

Feeling a weight on his hand, he smiled. A pale hand interlocked their lithesome fingers with him and warm soft lips kissed the tip of his fingers. Their flowy blue robes and willow-like figure obstructed An Zhangyi's view as they descended. He called out softly, "Ah Song."

Fu Baisong leaned in to peck his lips but something small etiolated looking came in between their lips.

A tender voice filled with anger sounded from below, "Mommy~!"

Frowning, Fu Baisong removed the hand and kissed the lips he so longed for. This made the little baozi, even more, angrier, "Hmph~!"

Laughing, An Zhangyi pulled back his hand and lifted him into his arms, "Hello to you too, Xiao Jun."

Lin Jun Kai puffed his cheeks, "Does mommy not miss Xiao Jun at all?"

Showering his son with kisses, he hugged him tightly, "Of course, mommy miss you. How could mommy not? Mommy is always wondering what you are doing, if you ate yet, if you were feeling sad, or if you cry. Even when you're all grown, you'll always be my little baby."

Looping his arms around An Zhangyi's neck Lin Jun Kai giggled, "Hehe. Mmn~! Xiao Jun will always be mommy's baby."

Holding Fu Baisong's hand, he led them over to his bed and set down the little baozi in his arms. He was dressed in the same fashion as his father. Both wearing the only remnants of the Qingcheng Fu Sect. Resembling aloof immortals with their flowy light blue robes and blue cloud motifs embroidered at the bottom of the robe. Light speckles of silver showed underneath the sapphire threads as the moonlight reflected off on it.

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