Showstopper (XXVII)

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A/N: There's only one more chapter that will be released after this one for today. Thank you guys and enjoy!


Lin Jun Kai's tiny heart almost burst from his elation and he covered his eyes. His mommy was coming to their location! ・:*( ノ∇ ^˵)*:・His face had reddened from anticipation. It was unfortunate that because of the flickering lights, the staff observing couldn't see the colour on his face.

The staff all intensely glued their eyes onto the screen as they observed what was going to happen next. Their hearts had already shaken due to Lin Jun Kai's actions. He was afraid. Too afraid that he wasn't able to speak and had to cover his eyes to prevent him from seeing He Xiao's heart-chilling figure.

Mo Wang opened his mouth and spoke in a very low voice. Low enough to where the microphones placed with the camera couldn't pick up his words and only sound muffled. He shamelessly said, "I want to kiss you right now."

He Xiao gave a blank look and his movements paused for a second. He was a little shocked at his lover's flagrant words. Did he perhaps hear the wrong thing? Albeit, he thought that he was used to Mo Wang's shameless ways, it seemed that his lover would one-up him every time. Instead of speaking telepathically conversing it to him, he voiced it... Was he serious? Or...

Observing his lover, he saw that he was indeed serious about wanting to kiss him. He Xiao's heart sped up. His dazed state only lasted for a blink of an eye, he reverted back to normal soon after. He admitted inwardly that he too wanted to be intimate after being apart these days.

It couldn't be helped as the two were still in their honeymoon phase.

(A/N: These two... Giving out dog food...)

The other two on the side had closed one eye to Mo Wang's words for their own reasons. For Tai Lichun, their relationship and 'kind' dog food giveaway was not his concern. He also wasn't interested in eating the dog food given out. The ceiling and a certain corner of the room were more interesting for him.

As for Lin Jun Kai, he had built an immunity to his father's shamelessness and was used to it at this point of his life. Even if he said even more brazen words, the only thing he would do is to take a glimpse at his father and that would be all.

Before the three of them left the room, Lin Jun Kai and Mo Wang winked and sent hearts at him, which didn't match their present image...

Even after their figures departed from the room, He Xiao stood standing in the same spot for a moment as if he was thinking about something. This wasn't irregular as many of the ghosts had also been stumped by this trio. One who seemed impervious to everything around him, another who was paying attention to the boy in his arm, and the young boy who found everything to be rather amusing and approached it with humor.

Lin Jun Kai's spirit seemed to surge after meeting his mother and he happily hummed once more in another tune as they traversed the rest of the way.

The rest of the time went by rather quickly and soon it was time for all of the ghosts to gather and for a verdict to be given.

A group of cameramen stormed the mansion and started following the ghosts. There was enough for each and every ghost. The ghosts weren't allowed time to get out of their getup and were sent out of the mansion as they were inside. This would add the element of comedy to the episode.

It was said that the director's insight was good as they started spooking one another as they came into contact. This caused a roar of laughter from the crew and had the cameramen biting their lips to avoid laughing out loud.

Suddenly walking into the normal light of day, all of the ghosts were like vampires and almost disintegrated upon the blinding warmth. Their eyes squinted into thin lines, trying to adjust to the disparity between the two environments.

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