Everlasting Melody (VIII)

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They spent the rest of that day catching up on the what had happened before He LiGe arrived into the world, about his time with Tan Bingyi and Song WuYou. It seemed that they also had the developed a habit of hoarding gifts for their mother as they brought out a mountain full of souvenirs for them. Finally being in a modern themed world, He LiGe could take Lin Jun Kai to many of the places that he couldn't do in the fifth world and make more memories with them.

As for Bao Bao, when he first saw Lin Jun Kai, their jaw could not close and they stayed quiet for what seemed like a day. They mechanically patted Lin Jun Kai's head with a dumbfounded expression plastered on their face. Their grandchild had finally grown, and his wrinkly laolao heart was unable to pick up on that fact. He sighed many times after as he saw more and more of Song WuYou's devious attitude from them while having the angelic face of He LiGe's original countenance.

Tan Bingyi would drag Bao Bao away at times for two full hours if it was applicable, a tired and exhausted laolao would always return afterwards. Whenever their passive was on cool down, they would lounge around He LiGe's living room and talk with Bao Bao about what they wanted to do in this world. As for their talk, Tan Bingyi was able to dulcify Bao Bao's anxiousness about the issue of Wei CaiXia being unable to accept their relationship. He could only prove to the opposing person that he was serious through time, he would not push or force them to accept the fact. Even though he could care less about anyone other than Bao Bao, Tan Bingyi wanted their genuine acceptance of the two's relationship as he knew how close Bao Bao was with his jie jie.

Holding Bao Bao in his arms as they sat on the couch and watched movies, he kissed the side of their head. He would take every step with Bao Bao by his side, conquer anything that came their way with them by his side, they were going to spend the rest of their life with them.

Every moment that everyone spent in each other's company was sacred to everyone, memories that would forever be within until they die. For He LiGe, it gave him a peace of mind knowing that he had lived a fulfilling life with his loved ones. For their memories would serve as their purpose of assuaging the feeling of loss, when he could no longer watch over them.


A beautiful sonata encompassed the solemn night air as the stars lit up the night sky. From an opened window, the moon's lucent rays highlighted two figures by the window in a darkened room. One fluidly moving their hands across the black and white keys, a beautiful mellifluous sound resonated from within the large piano. The other stood as their arm and hand moved in a effortless and graceful manner, the strings created a melodious tune as the bow of the violin trailed across it. Their left hand pressing and oscillated creating a myriad of notes. Two and two, they played together.

As the hand struck twelve, the front door opened and in came a bundle tightly wrapped up. They peeked from behind the scarf that covered their face as the light came on, the young boy had heard the music from outside and he automatically knew who had been playing. He rushed upstairs, wanting to give them what he had gotten.

An hour earlier, he had gone with his laolao and Uncle Yu to go see the winter carnival. Without a doubt he had gathered a bag full of souvenirs for his two dearest people. His eyes glistened as he took in the decorations in the room and the cake on the table with his imprinted onto a small chocolate slab, 'Happy Birthday Lin Jun Kai'. They slowly dripped from his eyes as he his heart burst with gratefulness and joy. He would never ask for anything other than being able to keep this happiness that they had right now. They had showered him with love and treasured him since the moment he came into this world, it touched him deeply to have such parents. He took off his gloves and white the tears that were flowing down.

He LiGe walked over and picked Lin Jun Kai up. Pushing their hood back, he helped wipe away their tears, "Are you happy, Xiao Jun?"

Lin Jun Kai nodded his head so hard it was like it was going to fall off, "Mm. Mm. Xiao Jun is very happy, mommy."

He kissed their cheek and hugged their neck, resting their head on He LiGe's shoulder, "Just touched by what mommy and daddy has done for Xiao Jun."

They kissed the side of his head, "Anything for my little bunbun."

Being handed over to Song WuYou, it was a little strange seeing a child being held in the arms of the adolescent and calling them 'daddy'. Lin Jun Kai repeated the same affectionate actions and pecked their cheek, thanking them afterwards. He then repeated to everyone else as they had helped pitched in for this event. In the dead of the night, a small family of five were all happily accompanying each other with laughters and smile as clear as ice and clean as jade¹.

Afterwards, seeing that it was too late, He LiGe had them sleep over at his place. Bao Bao and Tan Bingyi took the spare futon and slept in the living room as He LiGe, Lin Jun Kai and Song WuYou all laid on the bed inside of the bedroom. Their eyes closed as they laid by each other's side, it was a harmonious moment until a phone call broke the serene silence.

He LiGe's eyes snapped open and he slowly got up to pick up his phone. The caller ID was 'Li An'. Knowing what was to come, he was grateful it did not happen during his son's birthday party. Clicking the 'accept' button he place the phone to his ears, "Hello?"

A loud and venomous voice sounded from the other side, "Are you He LiGe?"

Acting innocent, He LiGe answered, "Yes, it is. May I ask what you are calling for?"

They sneered, "You disgusting low life! How dare you try and steal my fiance?"

With utter shock and confusion in his voice, he asked with a unsteady voice, "Fiance? W-What are you talking about?"

Though the voice sounded genuine, his face was impassive as if he was reciting some lines. It seemed that his answer was not to their liking and their anger erupted, "You... You f*cking cut sleeve²! Trying to act all innocent, I know that you know what I am talking about."

He LiGe's voice seemed as if he was close to tears, "I don't know what you're talking about... Perhaps you have mistaken me for another?"

Being set off even more by their so naive act, their pitch raised to an ugly and inharmonious and jarring sound, "Don't try and act, I already know what kind of person you are. Only going to them because you're trying to worm your way up in society, you sick f*ggot. Wan Siyu is mine!"

With that they ended the call and the silence returned. He LiGe put down the phone as someone's sturdy arms wrapped around his waist, "Finally starting?"

A stark light flashed in He LiGe's eyes, "En. They're only baring fangs and brandishing claws³ to try and scare me as we had predicted. They're nothing but a paper tiger, Ah You."


¹Clear as ice and clean as jade: Chinese proverb meaning 'incorruptible, spotless, irreproachable'.

²Cut sleeve: '断 袖', a chinese slang used for homosexuals. Its used is derived from an story where Emperor Ai's male favorite, Dong was lying on the sleeve of their robe one afternoon. They had to get up to attend to business and rather then waking up his lover, they cut the sleeve of their robe to avoid disturbing their sleep.

³Baring fangs and brandishing: Chinese proverb meaning 'Making threatening gestures'.

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