Everlasting Melody (IX)

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The next morning, He LiGe called Wan Siyu very early in the morning, His voice sounded as if he had been crying, hoarse and deep. He sniffled as he heard the other side answer the call, he opened to say his mouth to say a couple of words before he was abruptly cut off, "Siyu, I-"

They sneered, "Hmph. I knew that your mask would fall off sooner or later. Trying to act all innocent yesterday night, but here you are... Calling my fiance. Don't you think that maybe you should face, you cut sleeve? Maybe too thick for you to feel anything."

Their voice was filled with despisal as if they were talking to an ant. Their arrogance and haughtiness could be sensed from the other side. He LiGe could recognize the voice from the other side and caused his voice to shake, "Li An? Where's Siyu? W-Why are you the one to pick up the phone?"

Li An scoffed, "What is it to you? You're no one to him, whatever he is doing is none of your concern, you cut sleeve, Now, stop calling my fiance, me and him have some things to attend to."

She clicked the red button and ended the call, her face was as dark as the bottom of a burnt pot. She gazed at the naked man beside her and ogled their body. Drawing up the covers, she covered her breasts and strum her fingers on her arm.

A light flitted across her eyes as the smile on her lips deepened. Thinking about how He LiGe would be reacting right about now after the call only lightened up her mood even more than it already was. She had initially met Wan Siyu almost a month ago at an convention held by a friend of hers. Li An had been doing her regular routine of checking out the male guests to see if there was someone suitable, that was when she spotted him. Seeing his immaculate figure stand out from amongst the crowd of people, she licked her lips. Her eyes glowed with intent on getting closer to him, Wan Siyu was to her taste.

Since Li An had just broken up with her most recent one four days ago and she needed someone to occupy her time. She sashayed over to him and introduced herself to him, probing on what kind of interactions would pique their interest. When she heard his name, she almost dropped the champagne glass in her hands as he was her fiance. From her prior thoughts, she had assumed that they had been too ugly and ashamed to show up in front of her but she had been mistaken in her assumptions for their avoidance of their meetings. If Wan Siyu was ugly, then everyone else in the world could be said to be even uglier.

Even just being a mob character, he was not lacking in looks and was very handsome. Wan Siyu had a good height and build, well groomed with well taken care of hygienes, good taste in fashion, and an unforgettable face that belonged on the front of magazines. In her mind as she conversed with him, she was dead set on obtaining him as her future husband. She would end up calling her parents later that night to pressure the other party to come to a upcoming event, so that she could properly introduce herself as his fiance to everyone.

Li An and Wan Siyu had exchanged contact information ad had been in contact with each other almost everyday since that night. Using the ruse as a 'client', Li An was able to message, call, and even organize meetings to meet up with Wan Siyu. It hadn't raised any flags for Wan Siyu as they had just assumed that the other was just one of those women who chased after him. He was not interested in anyone else other than his lover. He did not even recognize Li An's name as his fiance which stung at her ego, Wan Siyu hadn't even bother to put her in their eyes.

Being on the news and well known in their circles, Li An considered herself to be on the top level of the celebrities and high class world. She had only assumed that it would only be a matter of time before she has Wan Siyu in the palms of her hands... But even after two weeks of continuous contact, she had been unable to even make anything else happen. All of her advances and suggestive attempts that she had made towards him, were all misses. Li An gnawed at the tip of her thumb as she continued to be persistent towards Wan Siyu.

By the middle of the third week, she was frustrated beyond all means possible. Wan Siyu proved to be a challenge as even now he hadn't showed to be moved at all from her and his interactions. Li An was stressing over her methodology and whether she was doing things wrong for him to be so impassive. She decided to higher a private investigator to dig up information and follow Wan Siyu, there had always been that inkling feeling in her guts but she had pushed it away everytime.

Less than five days passed by when Li An called up her private investigator to see how things were going. Seeing that they had gathered quite a slew of information in such a short amount of time, she felt skeptical. Deciding that she would read the information gathered first before making a choice on whether to take actions against them for falsifying the information, Li An opened the file.

Papers crumpled in her hands as she laughed darkly. Li An tossed the stack of papers on the table and her nails dug into the palms of her hand, drawing blood. Wan Siyu did indeed have a lover, and it was a man. Now, she felt that her go had just been smashed to the dirt. Not only were they below her honorable status, but they were the opposite sex. Wan Siyu's little lover's name was He LiGe, a young man who worked as a teacher at S Academy. They had a plain background, no details showing where he was superior to her in anyway. Li An gnashed her teeth, He LiGe sure had a good hold on Wan Siyu for them to be focusing on them instead on her.

But the gods must've heard her plea, as he contacted her out of the blue. Her heart was elated to know that they wanted to meet up at a bar, and she prepared her best looking clothes to impress him. A skimpy black v neck dress that revealed her cleavage, outlining her hourglass figure and fluffy curled hair that framed her face.

Getting to the bar, Li An found Wan Siyu to be drinking already by himself. She walked over to him and touched his shoulder, "Siyu, you needed company tonight?"

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