Showstopper (XXVI)

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They successfully went past the next six ghosts with ease, stunning all of them with Lin Jun Kai's caringness towards them who were supposedly already dead. They were just about to advance onto the next floor but was met with a hallway fully lit with candles.

Lin Jun Kai was presently singing a lullaby that He Xiao would sing for him from time to time, as they walked down the hallway. It made Mo Wang smile and rub his little head.

Midway through the passageway, the candles started flickered off behind them, from the furthest ones first. The loud sound of lights shutting off bounced in the narrow space as each pair of candles shut off.

Lin Jun Kai only briefly turned behind to see a blurry figure within the darkness creeping closer to them. A hazy white mass could be identified with the naked human eye.

Every candle that was swallowed by the darkness, the figure appeared closer and closer. Their long black hair swayed before their pale face, only exposing the right side of their face. It was extremely pale with no sign of life flowing. They also had no eyes in their sockets, leaving them empty.

As he gazed at it, their hollow eyes stared right back at him. Raising his hand, he gave a mini-wave before turning back and continuing on with his song.

In his mind, because they weren't obstructing their way, there was no need to interact with them.

The sounds from before became quicker and quicker and so did the speed of the candles being blown out. Now it was a mere step away from their immediate location, but Lin Jun Kai and the other two have yet to hurry their steps.

It was as if they were leisurely taking a walk in the park and there was an abundance of beautiful scenery all around them.

Bai Taohua was partially stumped but she still acted her role. She questioned if these three were horror maniacs as the other two were but quickly put that thought away. There was a big boss within this trio. It half made sense to her.

After all, how could the rumored iceberg sitting on top of BB Entertainment be scared of something as meager as this? She couldn't picture it... Also, in this universe, there were much scarier things than the deceased.

It was like she was a piece of toilet paper stuck onto the bottom of their shoe soles. They knew that she was there but did nothing, ignoring her existence as she would sooner or later disappear. And they were correct.

She watched them from the darkness and saw the three of them head up the stairs, with no thoughts on doing anything else. Once their figures were gone, she finally averted her eyes and pulled on the robe hidden by the darkness lying by her side to reel her way back to where she had been squeaking from before.

It was quite a sight to see, that was if you could see in the dark that is.

Once they got to the top floor, Mo Wang quickly left behind his 'boss' without any shred of care. They were finally here for who they had come to see.

Even if they were separated by the ocean, he would still be able to sense where they were. Now, he could never be assured if he was not aware of their location.

The light inside of the room flickered on and off, creating an unsettling ambiance. Just like in a horror movie, it was as if something was going to happen at any moment. One had to be on guard at all times as to not be caught off.

The layout of the bathroom was rather simple and the door to the next are was obvious.

Mo Wang swept his eyes across the bathroom and an indiscernible smirk emerged on his lips. His facial expression did not betray his thoughts though, and he advanced forward as anyone else would have done.

As for Tai Lichun, a mirthful light danced in his eyes as he stared at an empty corner. What he saw amused him greatly and almost evoked a smile from him. The chilliness from his eyes instantaneously thawed. Seeing that he was about to be left behind, he took his eyes off of the empty corner reluctantly and followed after his 'employee'.

To others observing them from the lens of the camera, nothing seemed out of order. It was as if they were just looking around and approached the other door as expected.

As soon as the door was within reach, the supposedly closed chute door creaked open interminably. All three of them turned around to look at who was making the noise.

What caught their eyes were the two beautiful and lithesome hands that appeared from within. Their creamy skin was even finer than velvet.

Tai Lichun took a step back and lifted his head, looking at the ceiling. It was as if he could see the afternoon sky through the thick ceiling.

The hands continued to push the chute door down, as to allow for whatever was behind it to come out. Soon a head full of wet and long ebony hair emerged from the murky darkness.

The intensity of the light flickering increased at this time and it was as if they were taking a series of pictures, one after another.

Lin Jun Kai's eyes widened and he opened his mouth. Both hands touching his cheeks, he let out a high pitched squeal that was mistaken for a scream.

To all but those who understood why he acted the way he did, Lin Jun Kai seemed to be scared. *cough* But in reality, it was just that he was much too eager.

Because of the flickering lights, his shimmering eyes were mistaken for tears and his actions of tightly hugging Mo Wang was due to his 'fright' instead of excitement. They also missed the part where he was repeating 'its mommy' in a delighted voice.

Lin Jun Kai was not thinking about much. There was only one thought on his mind currently; his mommy was so pretty!

Even with his almost translucent milky skin, it showcased his beautiful blue veins. His all-black eyes that were void of any humanoid like features were the most dazzling jewels, and the crimson liquid that was leaking out of the slim red line on his neck added a bit of temptation as it outlined his butterfly clavicles and slid beneath the collar of the dress.

This only applied to his immediate family besides Bao Bao of course. It couldn't be said that the other guests weren't aware of his peculiar beauty.

Many of the other participants noticed his comeliness, but that was only after they had regained their souls.

At the time they espied his figure, the primal instinct engraved to the core of their genes had slapped them in the back of their head and told them that they needed to escape. They faithfully acted upon its command. Therefore, they failed to process anything coherently until after they were away from the bathroom on the third floor.

Set aside all of his creepy movements and the primitive reactions to get away from anything that might pose as a danger to them, He Xiao was actually very beautiful. Precisely because of his androgynous frame and features, he could be mistaken as a goddess with a few tweaks to his appearance and surrounding.

*cough* While behind the scenes...

It was quite a shock to the producer and staff members as they heard Lin Jun Kai 'scream'. Everyone becoming tense as they anticipated what would happen next.

This little fellow had caught their attention right from the beginning. Whenever he spoke, laughter would erupt from their throats and they would have stomach aches from laughing too hard. This was the first time that they had seen him so scared.

Many of the female staffs' heart yearned to shield the 'poor' child from this frightening scene. They did not want him to be 'scarred' for the rest of this life from this one part of his life.

If Bao Bao or Lin Jun Kai heard their preposterous thoughts, they would be the ones rolling on the floor laughing. Scared? Scared, your mother!

He only acted so in the first haunted house so that his mother would hold him. As for his 'scream', it could be said that he was fangirling instead. As for being scarred for the rest of his life? There was something else more traumatic, this could never hold a candle to what occurred on that day.

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