Everlasting Melody (X)

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He LiGe just finished showering, when Bao Bao had finally come back. He had a mix feeling about what was going on. Being the one to witness that scene, he couldn't help but feel that he had misjudge the other person. Little did he expect them to act as such from the information from the plot, his stalking, and how he treated his host... He thought that the other person would be more loyal and devoted to his lover.

He scratched his head as he let out a long sigh. Although his host avoided contact with them and led them to be sexually frustrated and feeling somewhat abandoned, it was ultimately their own decision that led to the results of that night.

What Bao Bao saw next when he came in almost made his heart stop, not only were they fully naked but there was one was on top of the other on the bed. Both of them could be said to be unclothed and had their bare skin exposed to the morning light. His face blushed to a new shade of red that had never been seen before. Out of a natural reaction, he blurted out and pointed to them.

[AH! What are you doing to Bao Bao's beloved child?]

Song WuYou met with Bao Bao's eyes and smirked at Bao Bao, before he hopped off the bed in a nonchalant and unhurried manner. Picking up a towel and wrapping it around his body, he went into the bathroom, while He LiGe sat up on the bed with his hair still wet from the shower. The droplets of water glistened with the sun's radiance as it glittered on his body. The robe he wore was in disarray as the collars of the robes slipped down his shoulders, exposing that milky white skin underneath that had a few faint red bite marks on it.

Bao Bao didn't even want to ask what happened anymore, he learned that his baby was too straightforward at times and his old heart wouldn't be able to take stand what he would be hearing. He learned his lesson during their fifth world when he picked up a clothing item that had one too many strings and asked for its use, the results of hearing it was two days worth of silence from Bao Bao.

Even without his host's explanation, Bao Bao could already assume what was going on since Song WuYou was unable to 'devour' the other person. He LiGe wanted to wait until the other was of age before they decided to do anything, so a plan was made as both of them were unable to live without touching each other. They would help each other relieve each other sexually, but without any penetration.

It was good that his beloved grandson was with his lover in the living room at the moment. Bao Bao rubbed his temples to adjust his emotions before he coughed and spoke.

[Host, Li An doesn't suspect the information given to her to be false.]

He LiGe, "Mmn. What about Wan Siyu?"

[He is not as resilient as Bao Bao had thought of him to be, her charms had been able to ignite the sleeping dragon between his legs.]

He stared at Bao Bao for a second before turning away, "... Keep watch over them."

Wan Siyu is a good man, but they were also human... And with being human, it was very hard for them to ignore such temptations. Four months after the original's death, Wan Siyu and Li An ended up getting married under 'certain' circumstances. From a night that came out of transgression and desperation, that which would've disappointed the original greatly. He LiGe was no saint to try and save them, it was inevitable that they would have to split up so that he could be with his family. He wanted to see how the other would act, but even before it was establish that their relationship was over, they had already done the deed.

Getting up, He LiGe got ready for the day when he was tackled from behind by a smaller wet object. He turned around and looked at the grinning Song WuYou. Taking a towel, he gently wiped their hair, "Ah You, your hair is still wet. Be still and let me dry it for you, I don't want you to fall sick."

They hugged his waist and hummed, "Mmn."

After he finished, they snaked their arms around his neck and kissed his lips. Thinking that they were only going to do a light kiss, he returned the affection. But He LiGe should've known better, they pressed the back of his head and used their tongue to pry open his lips. Lightly attacking him with their tongue, he moaned from their frivolous teases. He could feel the curvature of their smirk as he pressed for more of their affection.

Before Song WuYou pulled away, he bit his bottom lip and smug smile at him. He whispered softly into He LiGe's ears, "We'll be late if this continues, Teacher He."

He LiGe looked away and rubbed the bridge of his nose, they really liked to tease him. He removed his wet clothing for a change of new ones and then the four of them left his apartment. He and Song WuYou kissed Lin Jun Kai goodbye before Tan Bingyi took him back to his residence.


From within the music room, the soothing sounds of a soothing and mellow song transmitted through the corridors. The violinist's finger gracefully ran their fingers across the strings as they rowed the bow, sliding the hair of the bow over the strings.

(A/N: The song I thought of when they were playing...)

Finishing the piece, they opened their eyes and removed the violin from their shoulder with a smile on their face. The grinned at Song WuYou as they were to come up next to play, it was another one of their competitions. Originally he had learned this piece for Jian ChaHua but realizing that there were others besides her existence, it lost its special meaning to him. Playing it out loud for all to hear, it signified that Ruan CangHai learned to live for himself. Although his relationship with her improved, he was no longer obsessing over Jian ChaHua as he had done so before. He was no longer on the road to blackening and all routes were cut off.

Song WuYou walked to the front of the class and placed the violin onto his shoulder. Adjusting the position of it so that it was comfortable, he started to play. Immediately, the atmosphere changed and became sweet and somber as the hair of the bow glide across the strings effortlessly.

(A/N: The violin part doesn't start until 00:35.)

Upon finishing, he glanced at Ruan CangHai and gave a smirk. The next student wiped their sweat as the proceeded to the front. For the remainder of the class, one by one the rest of the students went up to the front to play. They were graded and scored for their performances and were given tips on improvement.

The bell rung and dismissed everyone, He LiGe stepped out of the music room as Bao Bao had just informed him that he would be receiving a call from a certain someone. They sounded annoyed just mentioning the other party. He leaned against the wall and gazed at the black screen of his smartphone. On cue, it lit up and he pressed the green button. Slowly placing it to his ear, he answered very softly, "Siyu?"

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