Beneath the Heavens (XIX)

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The uncomfortable shackles finally dissipated from his soul and he could finally 'feel' once more. Someone's voice called out as soon as he regained consciousness, "Xiao Ye, it's time for you to get up."

'His' eyes opened and a fairly regular looking room came into view. 'He' glanced at the young woman before him and smiled, "Mother!"

Jumping up into her arms, 'he' beamed a brighter smile and stared at her face. Although her features were not enough to cause cities to fall, it held its own unique charm and beauty. She had a slender oval face with a round chin with hooded brown eyes. Her most remarkable feature was her smile that exuded warmth; able to appease anyone. A lighthearted giggle escaped 'his' lips, "Mother, are we going to have guests today?"

The woman froze for a second before nodding, "Yes. Your father must have told you, a child from the Longhu An Sect will be coming shortly."

'He' could feel the elation at having someone come and visit, so 'he' asked, "Can I play with them?"

The woman shook her head and her smile became strained afterward, "Xiao Ye, you can't today as they will be very busy."

Kissing 'his' cheeks, she murmured, "You mustn't go out today, alright?"

'His' vision suddenly tilted as 'he' glanced at her from an angle, "Why, mother?"

Gazing at 'him', she only warned him one more time before putting him down, "Things will be a little busy today, so stay in here."

Placing 'him' back down, she rubbed the top of his head before leaving. 'He' watched until her figure completely disappeared from 'his' view before looking elsewhere. Taking small enthusiastic steps, 'his' body moved forward and 'he' made 'his' way over to the small wooden tub on the table. Peering into the water, a small face that still had some baby fat was reflected in the basin of water. Their sharp and narrowed eyes filled with vigor had vilified their whole figure, making them look as if they had an enmity with whoever was gazed at.

An Zhangyi was baffled at what he saw. This face held a five-point resemblance to Sect Leader Fu. It was only that it did not hold the inimical and matureness that he was used to seeing in him. Instead, his eyes held innocence, lacking any corruption in them.

As he continued to watch, An Zhangyi determined that he was currently possessing the young body of Fu Yemu, but he was more of a guest. Instead of being able to control the body, all he was able to do was watch as things occur, and sense things as they sensed. Fu Yemu's eyes were his eyes; their mouth was his mouth.

Contemplating how this occurred, he ascertained that the consumption and digestion of Fu Yemu's heart demon, wrath had unleashed the segment of his memory that caused the creation of the heart demon. An Zhangyi thought back to the woman he saw when Fu Yemu first woke up. She should be Xiong Yanzi¹, the mother of Fu Yemu and Fu Aozi, and the younger sister to Xiong Yiyong. She was said to be eaten by the beast qiongqi² when it had been awakened from its slumber nine years ago.

Nine years. This number...

It must be a sheer coincidence for many things to have happened in that one day. All of the large but enigmatic occurrences dated back exactly nine years ago; his memory loss, the death of Xiong Yanzi, and the awakening of the beast qiongqi. An Zhangyi thought over this specific number and had a suspicion that the three events were linked to one another.

Thinking over the fact that gluttony was the cause for him to have this vision, he might reconsider not trying to reset it, seeing the benefits it could bring.

Within an hour after the departure of Xiong Yanzi, Fu Yemu started self-studying as he was already twelve years old. If it was any other day, he would have gone to class with the other disciples, but Xiong Yanzi had instructed him that he didn't need to today. Observing for three hours, he found out that the old Fu Yemu was kind and caring. He (FY) would thank the servants and disciples that came and talk to the birds in his yard, this personality was inconsistent with his current one that was pessimistic and dim. What could have happened on this day for the heart demon to manifest, and for his personality to turn 180°?

After reciting six pages from a small but rather thick booklet, Fu Yemu stood up and walked to the door. He was hesitant about opening it at first as he recalled his mother's words, but he was too curious as to how the visitor looked like. So with his curiosity winning over, he disobeyed Xiong Yanzi's words and went out of his room. Feeling a little self-conscious after not adhering to his mother's words, Fu Yemu paced back and forth in his courtyard before assuring himself that everything was going to be okay.

He climbed up the tall peach tree in his yard and overlooked the surrounding area. Big question marks appeared above his head as he examined the area. Why was it so quiet? Wasn't there going to be a visitor to their sect? How come the pathways so desolate? Turning his head from left to right, Fu Yemu tried to catch a sight of someone, anyone in the area.

Scratching his head, his discombobulation became worse as things remained unchanged. Leaping onto the roof of the walls of his courtyard and then onto the ground of the walkways, he dusted his hands. He was going to check if there was anyone at the main hall.

Fu Yemu skipped and hopped as he made his way, humming softly. Their small but fast movements made An Zhangyi's headache as it reminded him of being on a very bumpy roller coaster from his past life. Never had he expected the noxious sect leader to be like this in his younger days. If anyone else had seen it, their view of Fu Yemu would've collapsed and they would be pondering on the reconstruction of their three views.

Reaching the main hall, he slipped inside sneakily and hid behind the pillar. Peeking his head out a little and espied a small figure standing in front of his father, Fe You.


¹Xiong Yanzi: '雄燕子', '雄' xiong means the same as it did before and '燕子' yanzi means swallow (bird).

²Qiongqi: A mythological creature from Chinese mythology. It represents deviousness and has the looks of a winged tiger. The beast is said to live on Mount Gui and eats humans' head or feet first. People who wear their hair long are more likely to become victims of qiongqi. There are two other versions but I chose this version for its viciousness. ('꒳')


Character Information:

Xiong Yanzi: Mother to Fu Yemu and Fu Aozi. Younger sister to the current sect leader of Wudang Xiong Sect, Xiong Yiyong.

Fu You: Old sect leader of the Qingcheng Fu Sect. Father to Fu Yemu and Fu Aozi. Younger brother to Fu Baisong.

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