"Maybe I would if you didn't hide everything from me! I just try to talk to you and you push me away."

"That's not true! You know I'm at work!"

"That's a whole bunch bs and you know it. The last time I checked, the bar isn't 'work'." She scoffs. "Heck, I didn't even know you were going there? Why didn't you tell me? What is so secretive that you can't tell me?! Are you..."

My eyes widen as I realize what she's implying. "No I would never! Why do you always accuse me of that?!"

"I said it twice. Also, how could I? You keep secrets from me and stay out late, what else would you think a persons doing?"

I was about to say something when I shake my head. It's not worth it. "That's besides the point! Where were you?"

"Maybe I shouldn't tell you so you can actually get a taste of what I feel instead of lying to me and thinking that you do." She scoffs.

I sigh. "Where ever you went, I don't want you going there, or outside for that matter."

I could feel her anger rise.

"Why? So you can be where ever and I can't? Or let me guess you can't tell me."

"Look, I try alright? But not everything goes to plan, you of all people should know this."

"What plan??? You leave me out of everything! And on top of that, whenever I try to comfort you without really knowing what's going on, you push me away!"

"I don't. I told you what to do, now follow it." I hold my head. This is giving me a headache.

"No. Last I checked, I already have a dad, a horrible one. I don't need another. And unless you could give me a valid reason, I will not listen to the likes of you!"

"Dammit! Why do you have to be a brat all the time?" I grumble as I hold my head.

"A brat?! Your calling me a brat when you never talk to me?! Are you serious right now?!"

"I said what I said!"

Lucy pauses for a minute.

She quiets her tone. "Well I'm sorry that me caring about your well being and wanting to be treated the same is brat behavior. I guess I shouldn't do it anymore, right?" She takes off the small silver band off of her ring finger and drops in on the ground. She then turns around and heads towards the stairs, but stops at the first step.

"And one more thing...."

"...since you don't want me around, you can sleep on the couch. Or do whatever, see if I care. Go out and do what you normally do. Just stay the hell away from me."

With that she charges up the stairs. I hear stomps and then hear our bedroom door slam.

My gaze travels to the abandoned engagement ring on the floor. As I watch it, I slowly crush the remote in my hand. All the pressure boils up and I throw the remote across the room, shattering it.



Lucy's POV

I sit awake in my bed, letting the moonlight light up the dim and empty room.

I haven't stopped thinking about our fight, although it happened hours ago. My tired state wanted to go to sleep, but I couldn't stop contemplating what I said. He's probably working so hard to keep this place and I'm just making matters more stressful. Maybe it's something hard to deal with, maybe I'm making it worse. Natsu was right, I am a brat after all.

I silently get up from the bed, exiting my room. I slowly close the door behind me. I creep down the stairs. Natsu's passed out on the couch. He looked so uncomfortable and bothered. He didn't have a blanket or pillow. I tsked. I know I made him sleep on the couch, but he didn't have to restrain himself. 

I was about to turn around when I saw something shimmer in the corner of my eyes. It was my ring. The moonlight sure made it seem even prettier than it is, kind of like relationships. Your in a happy place that makes things seem so great, but when your in the dark, it gets really hard. That's why you have to work hard to make things work. I guess my father was right too. I am lazy. I can't expect a perfect relationship. I'm such a worthless person. That's why my father abused me. That's why Natsu is never home. I deserve it, I guess.

I shake my head. No, I can't let negative thoughts get into my head. I promised to not let my father get the best of me. 

I take a deep breath, calming my raging emotions. I bend down to pick up my ring when something else catches my attention. I slip the ring back on and peer into the corner, where I see a shivering Happy. I slowly walk over to him. "Oh right, we were yelling earlier. You probably got scared." I brush his fur. "It's alright, everything's okay..." I chuckle. I find it so much easier to comfort other people than with myself. I guess it's natural.

I calm the frightened cat before heading up to get some sheets. I come back with them and softly put a pillow under Natsu's head. I then covered his body with a blanket. I set up a blanket and pillow on the floor next to the couch and covered myself.

"I'm sorry, Natsu..." Before I know it, I find myself falling asleep. 


Natsu's POV

I rub my eyes and wake up. I hadn't slept the best, since I was only sleeping with a... pillow and blanket?

I look around saw a pillow under my head and a blanket over me. I slowly got up and saw Lucy fast asleep on the floor next to me, with Happy lying close to her. I saw her sleeping with her hand supporting her head, a hand with her previously tossed ring on it. I chuckled. Even though she was extremely mad, I knew she still cared. It was just like her.

 I also knew that she thought all of this was her fault and that she 'deserved' to sleep on the floor. However she didn't. It was equally both of our faults. She was a bit ignorant, but I don't blame her. I never open up to her, so what would she expect. I guess she was right about that  part. But it can't be helped. My job isn't exactly an open title. 

I picked her up softly and carried her upstairs. I laid her on the bed and covered her gently. I looked at her face. She seemed so stressed and worried, even in sleep. She kind of reminded me of my father, who was always worried whenever I would sneak out to see Lucy and come home late. I worry her too much.

I kissed her forehead. "I love you too." I smile at her before walking into our bathroom, quickly changing.

I came downstairs and folded the blankets before setting them down on the coffee table. I didn't know where they were supposed to go, so I just left them there. 

I set some cat food out for Happy and cleaned his box quickly before leaving the house for a quick walk.

I needed to clear my mind.

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