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Rosie's P.O.V.

ONCE WE GOT TO JISOO'S HOUSE, Jungkook was silent most of the time, while I tried not to writhe in pain.

"What were you two up to yesterday?" Jisoo asked, as she hopped onto my lap, wounding her arms around my neck to hug me tightly.

I winced, as I bit down my lip to ease the pain. "You're getting a tad bit heavy, Chu."

Jisoo frowned at me, looking down at her own body. "Noooo."

"How's the baby?" I asked, praying that she would get off my lap.

She got off my lap, and I let out a relieved sigh. "This baby boy is getting there." Jisoo beamed, as she began to gently rub her baby bump.

"A boy?" I exclaimed, excitement bubbling within me.

Jisoo brought out her Nintendo 3DS and began to play Pokémon. "No, I'm just assuming it's going to be a boy."

"It's going to be a girl!" Namjoon shouted from the kitchen.

I let out a light laugh and I heard Jungkook do the same, while Jisoo rolled her eyes and continued playing her Pokémon game.

"So, what were you two up to?" Jisoo repeated the question, pausing her game to look at the both of us.

I looked over at Jungkook, hoping that he would give her an excuse, yet I saw him watching an episode of Naruto. I internally groaned, "You s-" Suddenly, I felt something queasy in my stomach and rushed over to the bathroom, bending over the toilet, as I threw up.

"Rosie! Are you okay?" Jisoo rushed over to me, as she knelt down and held my hair, so that it wasn't framing my face.

I heard footsteps enter the room, as I continued to heave.

"What's going on?" Namjoon's voice filled the room.

"Bring her a glass of water, hon." Jisoo ordered Namjoon, as she rubbed my back.

Namjoon came a few moments later, and told Jisoo to move out of the way, so that he could bend down instead.

Once I finished emptying out the contents in my stomach, Namjoon offered me a glass of water, and I gladly accepted it, as I chugged it all in one go.

"Thank you." I gave him a grateful smile and he nodded, taking the now empty glass back to the kitchen.

"Are you pregnant?!" Jisoo shouted, as I turned to look at her wide-eyed expression.

"What the hell? No!" I gasped.

Jisoo stormed past me and went into the living room. "What the fuck did you do to Rosie?!" She nearly shouted.

She was asking Jungkook that question.

My eyes widened and I realized that I was going to die of embarrassment. I slowly got up and went to the living room.

Jungkook cocked an eyebrow at Jisoo. "What do you mean?"

"Did you guys make a baby?!" Jisoo exclaimed, as she made it more clear for him to understand.

Namjoon walked into the living room, with a confused expression plastered on his face. "Who else is having a baby?"

Suddenly, Jisoo lifted my shirt up, showcasing the large bandage around my back from the transplant. Once Jisoo saw this, her eyes almost bulged out.

"What is the meaning of this, Rosie?" She asked, a combination of anger and confusion laced in her voice.

I quickly pulled down my shirt, as I looked at Jungkook for help.

Jisoo saw my gaze and immediately stomped towards Jungkook. "What the fuck happened to my baby?!" She screamed, pinching his ear and yanking him down until their heights were identical.

"Ow!" Jungkook yelped in pain, as he pouted and tried to release his ear from Jisoo's painful pinch.

My eyes widened, as I watched Jisoo torture Jungkook, and a small laugh bubbled up at the scene.

"Park!" Jungkook glared at me and with that,

Jisoo pinched his ear even harder, causing him to scream like a little girl. "Explain!"

"Okay, okay. Just please let me go, before you rip my ear off." Jungkook winced in pain.

Jisoo finally released her hold on him and crossed her arms over her chest.

He let out of sigh, as his cheeks turned red from embarrassment. He stood straight up. "Rosie was my mother's donor and one of the side effects for the anesthesia she was given during the procedure is vomiting."

Jisoo and Namjoon gaped at the newfound knowledge. They both turned to me and I averted my gaze to the floor.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Jisoo silently asked me, I glanced up to see her looking at me.

"I just didn't want you all to worry about me."

"If it makes you guys feel any better, she didn't tell me either." Jungkook piped in, trying to lighten the mood.

"Were you all alone at home?" Namjoon asked, as he made his way to the couch.

My eyes quickly found Jungkook's, before I swiftly nodded.

"Don't lie to us, Rosie!" Jisoo giggled, rolling her eyes. "Jungkook may be a dick sometimes, but he wouldn't leave you alone."

"Hey! I'm not a dick." Jungkook pouted.

"You don't have to lie to us, too." Jisoo looked over at him. "We're all aware that you're a dick."

He lightly elbowed Jisoo, as he rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

"So...You're not pregnant then?" Namjoon asked.

"NO!" I nearly shouted.

Namjoon let out a relieved sigh. "Thank goodness. I don't think we could handle another pregnant woman."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jisoo directed her glare at her beau.

Namjoon widened his eyes in panic. "O-Uh. Yo-You know, well, I love you."

Jungkook and I bursted into laughter, as we watched Namjoon cower in fear at Jisoo who was glaring daggers at him.

"Anywho, Namjoon and I decided that we should all go camping for a couple of weeks to ease our nerves a bit. Think of it as a bridal party." Jisoo said, as she went to the couch, leaning on Namjoon, as he wrapped his arm around her.

I shook my head, as a smile formed on my face. Pregnant Jisoo is too entertaining.

"Camping?" Jungkook asked, once he finished laughing, cocking an eyebrow at her.

"Yes." She answered, in a serious tone. "And, everyone has to go. No one has a choice."

"But, Jisoo, rem-" I tried to reason with her, but she cut me off.

"This will all be beneficial to us." Jisoo's voice growing louder and louder with every word. "I FUCKING LOVE MOTHER NATURE!" She yelled out, her eyes large and her breathing heavy.

We all looked at her in shock.

She looked back at us. "Oops, sorry." And resumed her Pokémon game.

[A/N] For those of you asking why I'll be gone for quite a long time, it's due to personal reasons that can't be prevented, so please bear the wait. I promise I'll be back and I have no intentions of leaving the story incomplete! Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this.

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