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Rosie's P.O.V

"HELL NO!" I shouted, with frustration.  Rubbing my face, repeatedly, while pacing back and forth in Jisoo's living room seemed to be the only option I had to somewhat calm the rage I felt within.

I didn't notice how agitated Jungkook was becoming because of my actions.  He seemed to have had enough and groaned, "Rosie, sit the fuck down.  You're giving me a migraine."

I turned to him and gave him the finger, while sticking my tongue out at him.

He scoffed at my reaction, "Mature, much."  Then proceeded to stick his tongue back at me.

I threw a pillow I got from the couch at him, "Stop being a child."

He let out a dramatic gasp.  "Me? A child?"  He ran his hand through his dark brown hair, a smug look on his face while crossing his arms over his chest.  "I'm the adult here."  His eyes never leaving mine, as he attempted to throw his legs onto the coffee table, just for it miss by a little, completely ruining his act.

I busted out laughing at his actions.  "You're one dumb motherfucker."  I said, while wiping away the tears forming in my eyes. 

I noticed that Jisoo and Namjoon were watching from the kitchen, so I went over to them, still fuming over the fact that I was paired up with the self-proclaimed grown up, still nursing his wounded ego on the couch. 

"Why did you pair me up with him?" I said out of frustration, pointing at Jungkook who was trying to adjust the table, so he'd be able to put his legs on top of it.  "We hate each other!"

Jisoo chewed on her lower lip, choosing not to answer.  I decided to continue, to get my point across.

"On the very first day we met each other in Kindergarten, he stuck a big wad of gum in my hair.  I had to sport a bob that entire year!"

Jungkook stood up, trying to defend himself.  "Well, you tricked me into thinking the drink you gave me was yellow Gatorade when it was really your dog's watered down piss!"

I glared at him.  "You told Baekhyun that I had a shrine of him in my room!"

"You told my ex-girlfriend that I would paint my balls green and yell at people that entered my house 'I AM HULK' while showing off my green balls!"

"Girlfriend?!  She was terrified of you because she thought you were some psychotic stalker."  I scoffed at his delusional mind.  "You're pathetic."  I yelled at him, while I took my shoe off and threw it at him.

Much to my disappointment, he caught it.  "Shut up. Be grateful that-"

I couldn't take the infuriating figure before me, so before I could stop myself, I charged at him, attacking him with my other shoe. 

He managed to grab a pillow and started hitting me with it.

"I HATE YOU!" We both shouted at the same time.

"Loser." I spat out.  He had the decency to laugh mockingly at me, hitting his knee and dramatically placing his hand over his heart to make his acting superb.  "You really wounded me, Park."

My anger for him intensified, as I proceeded to try and land a punch on him.  He managed to place his hand on my forehead and laugh at my attempts to try and hurt him. 

"Unbelievable! You guys are just too immature."  Jisoo shouted, storming out of the room, with her eyes brimmed with tears.  Namjoon followed closely behind her.

Jungkook gave me a slow clap, while he proceeded to push me back onto the couch.  "Congratulations, you made Jisoo cry." 

I sank down on the couch, while my hair looked like the exact replica of a bird's nest.  "It was your fault."  I stood up and pushed his forehead hard enough so that he would land on the ground before heading to where Jisoo was at.

"Fuck you." Jungkook yelled, still on the ground.

I threw him a sweet smile, "No thanks."

And left to find my best friend.

"Love, please stop crying."  I stopped at the doorway, as I witnessed Namjoon consoling a crying Jisoo.  My heart ached.  I was the reason for her tears.

"Maybe they really won't get along, not even for us."  Jisoo sadly whispered, not quite aware that I was there and was hearing every single word exchanged between them.

I need to make things right.

Determined, I gently tapped on the door, causing the both of them to look at me.

"Hey.  Can I come in?"

Namjoon nodded and got up to leave the room.

I went over to Jisoo, hugging her tightly and mumbling apologies. "Sorry, Jisoo.  For you, I will do my best to tolerate him.  I promise."

Jisoo lets out a sniffle, but nonetheless, looks at me.  "Okay."  Hope in her light brown eyes. 

She wipes the remaining tears from her eyes, then gave me a grin.

"It's only going to be for a year.  Be nice, Rosie."

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