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Rosie's P.O.V.

"YOU KNOW, MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T WATCH OVER ME, WHEN ALL YOU'RE DOING IS LAUGHING AT MY PAIN." I pouted at him, as I attempted to get to Jungkook's large front door as smoothly as possible.

Jungkook continued to laugh out loud, as he watched me walk. "I-I can't st-stop. You just look so stupid." He wiped a tear from his cheek. "Look, this is you." He bent forward and began hobbling towards the door like an old woman.

I glared at him, throwing the heating pad he gave me right at him.

His reflexes were too slow because before he could process what was being hurled at him, it already hit his cheek hard. He let out a yelp, as he massaged his cheek. "Dick." He mumbled, throwing me a hard glare.

I was laughing too hard to notice his heated gaze. "That wa-was priceless!"

He narrowed his eyes at me, picking up the heating pad and looked as if he was ready to aim it at me.

I stepped back. "Don't."

He scoffed, walking past me to unlock the front door. "I'm not that mean, Park."

I gave him a knowing look, before rolling my eyes at him and walking past him to get inside his house.

He had closed the door behind him, locking it, before heading to the kitchen.

I looked around to observe my surroundings. It was neat and clean, something I wouldn't expect of Jungkook, but at the same time, he probably had maids doing the cleaning in this massive place.

"Do you need me to get you a limousine to drop you off to the couch or what?" Jungkook said, sarcasm heavily laced in his voice. He returned from the kitchen with a bottle of water in one hand.

"That would be lovely, you gentleman."

He rolled his eyes at me, before placing the water bottle on the coffee table, and walking towards me. He guided me to the couch in such a gentle manner, as his hands were placed lightly on my lower back and arm.

"Thank you." I quietly mumbled, as I settled down on the couch, trying my best to not blush at his kind behavior.

He gave me a nod. "Don't lay down yet, I need to get your heating pad first." Once he finished, he got up and went to retrieve the heating pad.

"Okay now, lay down on your stomach." He said, as soon as he got the heating pad in his hand and a bowl of popcorn in the other.

"This isn't the best position to rest." But I followed him nonetheless, and laid on my tummy.

"You would want to avoid laying on the heating pad because it will possibly burn you while you're sleeping." He explained, setting aside the popcorn and placing the heating pad on my back, slightly over my hip where the transplant was done. "Is this okay?"

I let out a satisfied moan, closing my eyes. "This feels great."

I heard Jungkook gag. "Okay, Park. That's enough."

"Oh, shut it."

Jungkook sat down on the floor, learning against the couch I was on. He grabbed the remote that was on the coffee table and turned on the TV. Ben 10 was playing. Jungkook took his bowl of popcorn and began munching on it. Ben 10 was his favorite childhood show, I know because when we were young he would always ramble on about what cool monster Ben turned into whenever a new episode of that show came out.

"How about we watch a movie?" I suggested.

"Hell no."

"But why?" I pouted.

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