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Rosie's P.O.V.


Even though, I've watched this countless times, I could never get tired of it. I had to beg Jungkook to play it, convincing him that it would be completely worth it. With a loud groan, he selected it making me beam in excitement.

Minutes after watching the first episode, I looked over to see Jungkook immersed in it, a smirk formed on my face. I was laying on my stomach with the heating pad placed on my back.

My head was placed at the foot of the bed due to my current dilemma, so this made it easier to watch without much struggle.

Jungkook sat on the bed, but stayed as far away from me as he could. His butt was nearly hanging off the bed.

My eyes drifted back to the screen; however, my mind was on Jungkook and all the memories we've had together.

It frustrated me to no end.

"Kook." I almost whispered, as the episode was coming to an end.

"Hm?" He hummed, assuring me that he was listening, despite his eyes being fixated on Naruto summoning thousands of shadow clones to save his sensei.

"When the wedding is over...will we still be friends?" I asked, chewing on my bottom lip.

"Friends?" Jungkook questioned, as he cocked an eyebrow at me.

"You should be crying tears of joy because I'm considering you my friend."

He let out a scoff. "Really?"

I nodded, throwing him a wink. "I'm a fantastic friend."

"I guess, you're alright." He shrugged his shoulder. "Actually, now that I think about it, you're horrible."

It was my turn to scoff at him.

"I pray that we never talk after the wedding." He finally gave me an answer to my question.

My heart dropped, as I tried to hide my hurt feelings. "You can't live without me, Jeon." I attempted to tease him.

"I highly doubt that, Park."

I pouted at him. "Don't deny it."

His face turned serious, as he locked gazes with me. "Although it's hard for me to admit this, but you're not as bad as I remembered you to be."

"Why, thanks." I placed a hand over my heart. "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me."

The episodes continued to play, but we were more engrossed on the conversation we were having... I hated to admit this, but I missed talking to him like this.

Jungkook's P.O.V.

I missed talking to her like this.

"To be real with you, I talk to you more than I talk to Namjoon." I admitted, cringing as I accepted the reality of this all. I was laying down, with my head beside her legs and vice versa. "It's seriously bad."

I heard her laugh lightly at that. "Surprisingly, that's the same with me, too. I haven't talked to Jisoo-unnie a whole lot either. I didn't even tell her about the whole transplant thing."

I let out a gasp, as I sat up and looked at her in shock. "You didn't tell Jisoo?"

Rosie shook her head. "I didn't want anyone to find out, especially her, because if she did, she would freak out." She let out a shrug. "But at the same time, I wish I did because it would've been nice to have her there with me."

"But," I wiggled my eyebrows at her. "I was there and was much better company." I joked, as I laid back down.

"...You're too cocky for my liking, Jeon."

I smiled at her hesitation. "I didn't detect a 'no' there."

"No." Her soft voice said, causing me to roll my eyes and check the time.

It was 3:27 a.m.

"Well, it's time for bed, Park." I said, sitting up to get off the bed.

"Okay, help me up, please."

I went over to her side, and helped her prop her head on the pillow with her side resting on the bed. She shifted her position multiple times to find a comfortable one and I patiently waited until she looked satisfied with her position. Once she looked comfortable, I gently placed a blanket over her slim body.

"You're sleeping on the floor?" She asked.

I gave her a nod, grabbing a pillow and blanket from my closet, and then throwing it down onto my carpeted floor. "Good night, Rosie."

Right before I turned away, I saw a ghost of a smile on her face, before her eyes felt shut.


Rosie's P.O.V.

"Jungkook." I whimpered, slightly. I had shivers all over my body and I couldn't sleep due to it. I was beyond tired, but my body wouldn't cooperate with me.

I heard him groan. "What?"

"Come here."


"Jungkook, please." I begged, as the shivers failed to stop.

It was silent for a couple of moments, until I heard him get up. I looked up at his figure to see him heading to the bed. "What's wrong?" He asked, as he rubbed his eyes. "Cold?"

He immediately took his blanket from the floor and placed in onto my shaking body.

I didn't answer him, as I pulled the blanket higher over my body.

Surprisingly, Jungkook moved in beside me, wrapping his arm over me and then tucking the other arm under the pillow. He tenderly pulled me closer to him, until my back was against his chest.

He tried to comfort and lessen the intense shivers I had. "You'll be fine. It's fine." His soothing voice was near my ear.

I could feel my heart rate soar and butterflies flutter like crazy in my stomach, when he wrapped his arm around me.

Jungkook's P.O.V.

Seconds passed, but it felt like hours to me, because I couldn't understand why I felt so comfortable with her in my arms.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked, as I felt her shivering stop.

Rosie didn't say anything and I just sighed, as I continued to hold her.

Even though, she was someone I hated the most, I couldn't, actually, didn't want to let her go.

My eyes ran across her peaceful features, as I felt a feeling of relief flood through me. I began to push the strands of her hair off her face, and I softly kissed her cheek, not even caring if she was awake or not.

[A/N] Hey, guys! I apologize if this was short, but I promise I'll update every day for this entire week because I'll be on hiatus for a couple of months! Also, I have a new fanfiction up called 'Sister's Substitute,' so please check that out, too! Thank you and I hope you guys enjoyed the bit of rosékook moments here! Stay tuned for more!

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