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[A/N] The picture above is Jungkook's mansion.  Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy it!

Rosie's P.O.V.

I LOOKED AT THE TIME. I've been waiting for him for about an hour already.

I groaned, massaging my temples. This is going to be a long year.

My phone vibrated in the pocket of my jeans and I checked to see that it was the bastard I've been waiting for.

"Where are you?!" I screamed into the phone. "Geez, Rosie. I could ask you the same thing." Jungkook retorted.

This guy is unbelievable.

"We were supposed to meet up at my house." I scoffed at him, the nerve he had. "No, we agreed on meeting up at my house." He throws back at me. "If you would've just listened..." He trailed.

"You called me at 6 in the morning! You know how precious sleep is for me." I exclaimed.  "Your fault."  He mumbled.

I didn't have time for this. "Fine. I'm heading to your house right now." I said, as I grabbed my car keys and headed towards the door. "Text me your address, I don't want to hear your voice right now." And with that, I hung up.

An hour later, my car rolled up to a gate.  Confused, I checked the address he sent me and this was the place.

An intercom buzzed.  "Who is this?" A lady's voice came through.  I jumped at the sound, a bit startled. 

"R-Rosie Park."  I stuttered.

For a minute, I stood there awkwardly until the gate slowly opened.  I wasn't able to see the house due to the towering gates covering it, but as the gates slowly revealed the abode in front of me, I gasped. 

It was a beautiful mansion.  I snapped back to reality.  I rolled my eyes as I pictured Jungkook and his irritating smirk. Show off.  I got into my car and drove into the driveway.  I got out with my boba tea in one hand and my binder and laptop in the other and headed to the front door.

I was about to knock, but the door swung open and it revealed an annoyed Jungkook.  "Nice for you to finally show your face, Rosie." He sarcastically said and grabbed my arm, leading me to the living room, I presumed.

"Don't touch me." I said, as I pried his hands off of my arm, I took a seat on his couch.

He looked at me, exasperated.  "You come in an hour late, brought boba tea and didn't bring me any."  I shrugged, as I sipped my boba tea.

He groaned. "You know how much I love boba tea, Rosie."  "Yeah, I know."

He took a seat next to me and glared at me, while I enjoyed the drink in my hand.  He snatched a bag of chips that laid on the table and angrily munched on them.

It was quiet for a few minutes.

"Oh! I got it. A beach themed wedding!" Jungkook disturbed the silence with excitement laced in his voice.

I shook my head. "They wouldn't want that."

Jungkook looked at me in disbelief. "How would you know? You aren't them."

"I'm a wedding planner and I got the details on how they pictured their wedding to be." I claimed, as I grabbed the questionnaire I gave Jisoo and Namjoon a while back, and placed it on the table. "I know what I'm doing." I raised an eyebrow at him.


Jungkook's P.O.V

She raised her eyebrow at me, then proceeded to look over the questionnaire that's on the table.  I looked at her for bit, longer that I should've, but she didn't notice.

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