~Chapter 12~

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Back into Flos POV... Also- the picture above is Oli.

We were still standing outside the aquarium. 

"Cody, what do you mean powers ?" I asked, in a little shock.

"Well.. mers have powers that can let them do certain things. Every mer has a different single power... apart from Royal mers. So Noah, Saff and I have multiple powers. Its been so long since we've used them and Im human now so I don't think mine will work anymore. We could have used them to track Lakunas location." Cody spoke softly.

"Its worth a shot" a voice from the background peeped up.

Zak? The one who had stolen Codys tail. The one who had tried to hurt and lock up mers. Why was he trying to help now?

"Ever since Flo and Oli stopped talking to me I couldn't bare it. They were all I had left. Motivating you is the least I can do" Zak spoke.

Cody started taking small steps back in fear.

"Oh..ok" Cody spoke in a scared tone.

Cody placed his flat palms in the air and bent his fingers slightly. He flexed his muscles.

Nothing had happened.

"Ugh. I knew it wouldn't work" Cody sighed.

"Someone has to go in there then !! Someone has to do something" Zak exclaimed.

Zak had been banned from going anywhere near the aquarium so he couldn't go in. I couldn't go in after I just blew Noah off. Sending Cody in would be too risky.

At the same time, all of our heads slowly turned to one person.


We were going to send in our dipstick brother to complete a mission.

What had we come to ?

In Too DeepTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon