~Chapter 10~

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And I was some guardian of the sea?

My pulse started to rush.

" I have.. I have to go" I stammered.

I grabbed my bag and started to pace swiftly out of the glass door.

Noah tried to slide towards me.

"Flo !! Come back!" he shouted but it faded away in the distance.

I had my hand on the handle about to leave when I felt a hand placed on my shoulder. 

Cody turned me around and laughed into my face, "I thought you said I was free"

My breath started to get heavier and heavier.

I was about to have a panic attack.

Not now!!

Cody looked at me and said calmly, "Lets go Flo"

With that we both ran out of the aquarium.

Cody was catching on with walking so well.

We were running past the reception when Cody slipped.

So close.

He scrambled back up and said "Im fine, lets keep going"

When we got outside the fresh air hit Codys face.

We ran out into the car park and behind a wall.

I slid down the wall and started sob.

Cody was silent.

I had eventually stopped crying when I turned back to him.

Cody looked at me and sighed, "Flo where do we go now"

I had cycled here today so I wasn't really sure.

I only had one other option which I really did not want to do.

Soon enough, I found myself dialling Zak and Oli.

"Guys come to the aquarium now, we might have a little situation"

They pulled up in Olis black car.

They hopped out and started walking towards us.

"Hey.. they look like you" Cody quizzically asked.

"Cody these are my triplets"

When they came closer Cody saw Zak and started taking little steps backwards.

"Don't come anywhere near me" Cody shuddered.

Zak stood still and remained silent.

Oli slowly walked up to Cody.

"Dude, Im not going to hurt you, I'm Oli" He calmly said.

"Hi..Im Cody", Cody whispered back.

"Cody, we are going to take you wherever you want" I said, wanting to apologise for Zaks greedy actions somehow.

"Well.." Cody stammered.

"What?" Oli asked.

"Theres this girl"

"OHHH DUDE, whats her name ??" Oli asked very excitedly.

"Ok Oli calm down" I joked.

"Her name is Lakuna and I don't even know if she remembers me, its been so long since ive been outside" He sighed.

"We will find her!!" I said determinedly.

"I think I know how I can help" Cody replied.

'If my powers still work"


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