~Chapter 4~

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It had been a few months since we went on the school trip and we hadn't been back since. I couldn't stop thinking about him.

I hadn't told anyone about what happened, I don't think Noah would have liked me exposing the secret that they can talk to the world.

I was currently at my last day of school, before the summer, trudging my way to biology with Bella. When we finally got there I slumped in my seat. 

We were still studying marine biology. 

I looked over my shoulder and saw Oli sitting there doodling in his book. He had been distant recently. Mom said that if he doesn't miraculously passing his classes, she's going to stop him playing soccer.

I sighed and turned back. Zack was sitting in the front row answering every question he possibly could. Poor Oli.

The lesson went by in a blur, since nobody wasn't paying attention and thats when one of the girls in our class came round handing out leaflets. Without looking I shoved my leaflet in my rucksack.

"Class Dismissed"

I ran out of school and went home. Ugh. I had done it, school was over for another few months.

I started going through my rucksack taking out my books and shoving them under my bed. I thought my bag was empty but I felt something at the very bottom.

It was the leaflet.

I had to open it because it might have been some summer assignment or homework. I uncrumpled the flimsy piece of paper.

The first thing I saw was a picture of a merman. A familiar merman.

"Noah" I gasped to my self.

'New Mer-Aquarium!' it read in big blue writing.

No way. My now-sparkling eyes turned over the paper and I looked at the address. It was in my town! My eyes stared at the opening times. 

It was open now. 

Without thinking I skidded down the stairs and sprinted into the kitchen. Oli and Zack were going out with their friends and mom was still at work. My eyes swooped to my ballet shoes on the kitchen floor. I sighed to myself I had a dance rehearsal tonight.

I whipped my phone out of my pocket and typed into my phone

'Im so sorry Bella, I cant make it to dance tonight, tell them i'm sorry'

Then I quickly ripped a piece of paper out of my notebook.

' I have gone out- I will be back at seven xx'

This gave me a good 4 hours at the aquarium.

I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder, I then ran out of the doorway.

I got out my bike and hopped on it. I started peddling as fast as I could.

15 minuetes later I got there. The new aquarium was humongous. It was even bigger than the last one I went to.

I pushed my way through the shiny automatic doors and ran up to the counter. 

"Please may I have a ticket"

The woman gave me a dead-serious look and started printing  one out.

The awkward silence was killing me, so I decided to ask a friendly question.

"So.. When did this open"

She death stared me and mumbled "Last Tuesday"

Quickly, she handed over my ticket.

I reluctantly handed over my crumpled stack of notes. My money from the shows I have danced in wasn't very high. 

As I walked away from her I thought about how can people put up with people like her. I then thought about Noah thinking he had to put up with them 24/7.

I didn't even think he was going to be here, but there was still hope

Swiftly I started running through the long corridors into the new mer-dome. Excitedly I sprinted  in there. 

I looked around me, cameras flashing, I pushed my way to the front of the crowd. There was another large glass tunnel which you could walkthrough. I went in there and I saw a separate tank. Inside was a scuba diver holding a hoop and a merman swimming through it doing flips.

The crowd wowed and flashed photos. I couldn't see clear enough. Good thing I was short. I slowly cut my way to the front of the crowd.

I glanced at the merman and did a double take. 


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