~Chapter 26~

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Flos POV

I teleported back to the ocean, my head banged, still getting used to using magic. I trudged along the pier, fuming with myself. The sparkle of the glistering sea became a dull grey. I got to the end and dipped my pointed toes in the water. I had missed the normal things I used to take for granted, like seeing my friends or shopping, but I also loved helping people. 

I had managed to save two female mers and two male mers. I dropped them in the sea, their faces lighting up with glee before departing back home and hugging each other.

But I had left Saff and that other mer-boy behind.

Thats why I felt so bad. I was unable to help. A cold small tear slowly slipped down my fragile face and dropped into the deep sea. Poor Saffy. I had no idea what happened after I had left but she looked like she was in an awful state. She was just a kid. She didn't deserve any of this. No one deserves that treatment. 

I was now crying, my tears now racing each other to drop into the ocean. My grief threatening to engulf me in a torrent of despair.

I could see a figure. It was swimming up to me at great speed. It was almost flying through the water.

"Flo ?" Noah asked, tilting his head as he did so.

"Oh Noah, I am so glad to see you" I sniffled and then I told him everything.

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