~Chapter 16~

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Codys POV

So much was happening.

The fact I was free, the fact Noah was free, the fact I was human.

But all I could think about was Lakuna. 

On the day we were captured, I had just told Lakuna about my feelings for her. She had told me she felt the same. Then we went for a swim and that deadly net caught us

It was five years ago. What if she doesn't remember me ? What if she freaks out that i'm a human. I got up out of the truck and started walking down the beach and onto the rock Lakuna was sitting on. My hands were trembling.

I wiped the sweat off my face  and started hobbling along the beach.

Walking was a lot easier now as Oli had stopped by the hospital on the way to the beach and had got his mom (who worked there) to give me these things called crutches. I think his mom knew what was going on because she didn't question anything.

Using the crutches felt like you were using two sticks as legs. It was extremely weird.

When I got to the end of the sand, I dipped my toes in the cool sea. It felt so weird having water run up on your feet. I started walking along the thick rocks in the ocean. I slipped slightly.

I paused for a second to get my breath back. I then chucked the crutches to the side. I began walking along the slippery rocks. 

When I was a foot away from Lakuna, she turned around and saw my humanly figure.

"Please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me",  She trembled.

"Hey.. its ok im not going to hurt you" I whispered back.

She didn't say anything but she didn't slip into the ocean and swim off.

I sat down so we were back to back. I couldn't see her face and she couldn't see mine.

I stared out into the ocean and took a breath, admiring the view, admiring my home.

"Why were you crying ?" I suddenly asked.

She took a deep breath before saying "A few years ago today, I lost someone, someone special. They're never coming back now... I guess you wouldn't know how it feels, being human and stuff" She let out a sad laugh.

I could feel her back trembling again, I knew she was crying. She was sobbing.

I turned around and embraced her in my arms. She was shaking now, her tears engulfing every moment of happiness. 

I was holding her tight. I wasn't going to let her go now, never.

I needed to tell her.

"Lakuna... im back.. for good" I replied.

"What do you mean" She sobbed into me.

I held her away, making her stare at me.

"No No No No, it cant be" she trembled even more.

"Hey", I laughed. 

With that she laughed back and lunged herself at me into a hug, bursting into a fit of giggles.

"Cody !!! I cant believe it, what happened? Are you ok? Where did Noah and Saff go? Where were you? Where were you all these years ? You have to see your parents ! You are human though" she replied, speaking at once.

"Woah, I didn't hear anything you said" I replied back.

She softened her tone, "How are you going to go home Code?"

Woah. I hadn't been called 'Code" in ages. 5 years to be exact.

"Lakuna, it doesn't matter where I am, as long as we are together" I replied to her.

We then leaned in, her soft lips pressed against mine.

We were kissing so intently we didn't even notice the group behind us.

"Ok you don't need to eat each others faces off" Noah joked. 

He was being carried by Flo and Oli.

We both blushed bright red. 

An awkward silence filled the area.

"Ummm so guys are you going to introduce me to your new friends ?" Lakuna jokingly asked.

Flo lowered Noah so he was sitting on the rock, he then put is arm around her and she leaned her head on his shoulder.

Noah proudly introduced Flo and Oli. 

Zak didn't get a mention and Im glad Lakuna didn't question it.

Lakuna suddenly looked serious.

"Everyone down there needs you !! We need to go see your parents !"

Noah guiltily looked back up, "I will be back here, I promise"

"Tell mom and dad I love them" I said.

Noah took Flos hand, "Thankyou, for everything, meet me here tomorrow, you deserve answers"

With that, Lakuna and Noah plunged underwater.

"Where am I meant to go now" I said, the realisation had kicked in that I was now homeless.

"You're staying at our place" Oli replied.

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