~Chapter 1~

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Ugh. I opened my eyes and saw my two brothers standing at my bed. Zack was packing my bag for me and Oli was thwacking a pillow at my head. 

Oh the joy of being a triplet 🙄.

I heaved the covers off me and put on some fluffy socks. I padded down the hallway and walked into the kitchen. I made myself a slice of toast and finally sat down. Zack then came down to join me.

"Zack why do we have to be so early today? I had a 6 hour dance rehearsal yesterday and I am absolutely shattered." I moaned at my brother.

"Flo we have a school trip today ! How could you not remember. We have been studying marine biology for ages now and this trip was planned way back! I bet Oli would have over-slept too if I hadn't have woken him up."

A thought suddenly flashed through my head. The school trip. Our whole year in school is studying marine biology and merfolk at the moment and we were going to visit the world-famous Merfolk Aquarium.

Merfolk were discovered in 2040 and its now 2060. All the mers we have discovered are put in labs or aquariums for observing. Now I am totally against this, nobody deserves to live in captivity, half-fish or not. There is loads more mers swimming free in the ocean but they haven't been captured yet. Poor Creatures.

I glared at my brother across the table. He knew I hated seeing creatures in captivity, but I knew that he was excited to do research on them. Zack has got to be the biggest Geek I know.

"Flo you will be fine, come on, go get ready you're going to make us late"

I ran up the stairs and into the bathroom, I quickly tied my hair into French braids. Oli and Zack came in and started brushing their teeth. I stared at our reflections in the mirror. You could really tell we were triplets. We all had honey-blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Oli was muscular, Zack was more skinny and I was in the middle. We were all average height for our age. I washed my face and sprinted back into my room. I chucked on a denim skirt with a flowy white top. It made my tanned skin look nice. 

I ran downstairs and shouted for the boys. They came down real quick. We never left for school without each other. Oli was very protective over Zack and I.

"Bye Mom!!" I shouted. She was probably still asleep. My mom is a brain surgeon and was working a night shift yesterday. No wonder Zack is so smart. He must really look up to our mom. Im not quite sure who Oli looks up to. Zack is more hardworking and kind but Oli is overprotective and chilled. If it makes sense, Oli is a nice butthead.

We ran to the bus-stop just in time. We took our seats on the bus.The seat next to mine was empty. Thats when my hero (my best friend),Bella,walked into the bus.

"Hey Girl!"she called out for me. She flicked her long black hair over her shoulder and took the seat next to me. I looked at Bella and it was clear she was tired too. Bella and I do a lot of dancing and yesterday we were doing 6 hours so an early start to this day was not doing us good.

Thats when she whipped out two Starbucks frappichinos from her bag. This girl is a saint. "I have no clue what id do without you" I said as I took a sip.

The journey to the aquarium takes 4 hours. I decided I would sleep most of it.

I was having a decent dream when I was woken by Bella screaming Spanish down the phone to her sister. Bella was born and lived half her life Spain so the Spanish didn't surprise me. "Hey hey why are you shouting".

Bella then decides to tell me the full story on her sister stealing her favourite pair of heels and then wrecking them. This was one slow journey.

We finally got off the bus and thats when I saw the aquarium for the first time. It was massive. I took a deep breath to calm myself. I really did not want to do this.

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