~Chapter 14~

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Codys POV

Flo, Zack and I were waiting outside the aquarium sweating in anticipation. Will Noah help me and use his powers ? Will he simply ignore Oli ? I was so nervous.

I was also feeling kind of guilty. I didn't even say goodbye to my siblings. I was so selfish. I had just ran out. 

It was too dangerous for me to go back in there now. I still wasn't quite there with walking yet. 

I had nothing left. I had been taken away from my home, family and Lakuna.. 

My siblings were all I had left and I just left them.

I was a horrible person.

We were still waiting in silence, waiting for Oli to return with the news.

Zak looked so sweaty, it was almost as if he had just gone for a swim. 

Flo finally broke the deadly silence.

"I need Noah" she spoke, " I need to see Noah"

I sighed, "Me too Flo, me too" 

I glared at Zak, I was so angry. A mix of emotions were bubbling up inside of me, like a kettle. All of this had been his fault. I could never go home now.

I looked around me. It was so nice to be outside again. The first time in 5 years to be exact. My skin felt moisturised from the crisp air on my dry skin. 

I looked around the carpark, it was busy. 

Suddenly, a large van drove in.

Several people came piling out of the van with large cameras and microphones. There was a few with notepads.

"What the.." Flo began.

Then the most incredible thing happened.

Out of thin air, Oli and Noah appeared. Oli had Noah over his shoulder and he looked way out of breath. 

"We will explain later, we need to get out of here !" Oli panted.

We started climbing into Olis car. I sat in the front with Oli. Zak and Flo were in the back with Noah laying down over them. 

I hadn't seen Noah look so happy in his whole life. He was free.

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