~Chapter 7~

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Ok this chapter is very important but I wrote it really late at night and I need sleep aha. I will go and update in the morning. Pay attention to this because it gives us some crucial information to what happens next ~ Enjoy, Liv xx

I woke up the next morning pretty early because I wanted to spend the whole day at the aquarium. I didn't have any dance rehearsals today, so I was pretty lucky.

I slipped out of my bedroom and threw on a pink oversized hoodie. I glanced through the crack in Olis' and Zacks' bedroom door. Oli was there snoring his head off, but then I glanced the the bottom bunk and Zack was nowhere to be seen. The bed was neatly made, as he always made it, and Zack was missing.

I didn't think much of it. He probably was staying at a friends house. I crept down the stairs and out of the front door.

I grabbed my bike and cycled down to the aquarium.I was going so fast I could feel my blonde, wavy hair flowing in the wind behind me. I parked my bike badly and rushed through the doors. I went through into the dome sitting area and waited for Noah to come down.

It had been ten minuetes and he still hadn't come. I was just about to leave and then I heard a massive bang on the glass. It was Noahs brother! He was thwacking his tail against the glass. I slowly walked up to him and whispered "Its ok, I'm not going to hurt you".

He studied my face for a bit. He was staring intensely at me. I felt so uncomfortable. His face suddenly lit up. 

"Flo ?" He mouthed through the glass.

Noah had been talking about me ? I couldn't leave him hanging so I replied, "Yeah"

He gestured for me to come up. I ran up the stairs and swung the glass door open. 

"I'm Cody, Noahs' brother, and I've heard about you before. But Noah this morning was carried out of the room and I'm not sure what to do and.."

"What did you say ?" I asked. Cody spoke very fast, I have to admit.

"Noah was taken out of the room this morning, and nobody has ever been carried out before 11am so I'm really worried"

I took a deep breath,"Everything will be fi..."

I was cut off by a loud bang. Someone was coming up the stairs of the mer dome. I glanced around me desperate for a hiding spot. I saw an old pile of wetsuits. "Here goes" I thought. I dived into the pile of smelly wetsuits, piling them on top of me.

I glanced through the mountain I was hiding in. Cody had slipped himself back underwater.

5 Aquarium workers came in, holding a stretcher. They glanced under water. "They said they wanted one similar to Subject 304" One of them stated.

"That one there is his brother, I think" Another replied, "They look extremely similar"

Ok, They chucked a net into the water, over Cody. They got a rope around the net and started pulling him up until he was on the platform bit of the top of the dome. They untied the net and held him down at his shoulders. He looked painfully confused. They grabbed him and heaved him onto the stretcher. They tightened thick black straps around his torso, one at the top of his tail and one just above his fin. They started to lift the stretcher out of the room. 

I had no choice but to follow. What was I thinking, I was going to get in so much trouble. When we were out in the viewing area they pulled out a wheelie bed. They lifted Cody off the stretched and started putting straps around the same areas and his arms. As they turned around to put the stretcher away, I threw my self under the bed. I held on as they wheeled. 

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