~Chapter 27~

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Saffrons POV

My eyes daizily opened. I was underwater.

What ?

I was lying on an uncomfy sandy bedding.

I glanced over infront of me. I wasn't in the dome.

For a second, I thought I was back in the ocean, so I started to swim forward. Then I swam straight into glass. 


I stared down at my torso, a thick white bandage over the spot where I was stabbed with a needle.

My whole body was in pain. I ached all over. I tried picking my weak self up off the floor so I could surface and find out where I was. 

Everything felt so heavy.

I was struggling to swim to the top, but I managed to do it, batting my tail forwards and backwards like a mad person.

I could see the surface of the water and I was prepping myself to go up, when I felt a tug at my arms.

I was flung back to the bottom of the pool, thanking my head with whiplash.

Rubbing my head, I realised I still had thick, handcuff like, chains on my wrists. I followed the chain to where it started. It seemed to be attached to a prison like bar which bubbles escaped from. It was an air vent.

I swam as far as  could go so I was at the front of the glass. 

I glared out of it, a familiar sight. Many people staring. I looked across the room in front of me.

I could see the mer dome ! 

So I was still in the aquarium.

"Thalassa!" I cursed under my breath.

A young girl, about the same age as me, came up and stared into the glass, looking at me from head to tail.

She reached out her phone and she snapped a few photos of me. Then, she tried taking a selfie, thats what Flo called it, with me.

I shyly, swam away, before swimming forward again.

She had put her phone in her pocket. I gestured for her to meet me at the top of my new glass cage. I swam up, the chains tugging me downwards, but I was determined.

I broke the surface, my chains not allowing me to go any further upwards. My head slowly bobbing in the water waiting in anticipation.

She nervously walked in, hestitating at the door.

"Come on.. I don't bite" I told her, sensing her fear. "Plus theres not much I can do" I said as I glared down at the chains wrapping around my wrists and letting out an awkward laugh.

"You're.. You're real" She stuttered.

"What did you expect ?" I laughed, then suddenly realising how crabby I sounded.

"Sorry.. Its just that.. I haven't had the best.." I paused before thinking.

How long had I been passed out for?

"...Week" I assumed.

She looked down at me awkwardly.

"Whats your name ?" I asked, trying to break the silence.

"Bella..Bella Penn"She stammered.

Why did that name sound familiar.

I scanned her face before realising.

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