~Chapter 15~

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Oli had me draped over his shoulder. 

The aquarium was buzzing with crowd members.

"HEY LOOK ! That boy is kidnapping a mer !" One shouted harshly.

"STOP HIM!!" Another yelled.

This was enough. I needed to shut everyone up, for good. 

I conjured up a Powerball in my fist, ready for the big moment.

Now, the crowd members were talking over each other. 

When I saw Dr Farr, the evil man who had stolen my brothers tail along with Zak, this was the final straw.

We needed to get out.

I screamed, "RUN OLI RUN!"

The crowd gasped, some stood still with their eyes widening. Dr Farr passed out on the floor. 

They started coming towards us. Oli was going to prison and I was going to be experimented on, humiliated forever. 

This was the big moment. I got my clenched fist and unleashed the power onto Oli's shoulder. 

I could feel it running through my veins. 


 We were invisible.



We ran outside. 

The sunlight hit my face and made my skin glow.

Luckily, the invisibility lasted. I could see a large camera crew. Somebody had probably told them about the ordeal that had just happened.

We ran round the corner of the carpark and saw a concerned looking Flo and Cody. Zak remained emotionless.

When we were there took back the invisibility spell. 

"We did it" I whispered to Flo, who was looking shocked. 

She threw her arms around me.

They all looked extremely confused.

We told them we would explain later.

We got into Olis car. It was the first time I had ever been in a car before, so I was a little scared.

Nothing could ruin my happiness now, I was about to see my mom and dad. I could tell them everything and they could help free the mers.

I could not wait.

Cody suddenly spoke, "Noah, I need you to do something for me first"

I replied, "Anything" I was in such a good mood.

"I need to see Lakuna"

Lakuna ?? Codys childhood sweetheart ?

"Ok suit yourself" I conjured up a Powerball in my hands and made a hologram in the air. "We need to see Lakuna" I commanded.

Lakuna was sat on a rock underneath the water. She was holding a small purple tulip, which matched her tail. A small tear escaped her eye and ran down her face. She put down the flower and swam away, her platinum blonde hair flowing gently behind her.

She swam up to the surface and sat on a rock. 

Flo suddenly spoke, "I RECOGNISE THAT BEACH! Oli drive to Waka Bay now !!"

Soon enough, we were there. The beach was empty and the sun was starting to set.

Lakuna was sitting on the rock, her face buried in her hands, her body trembling.

She was still crying.

We all began to get out of the car but Cody spoke.

"No I must go alone" he said softly.

With that, he got out of the car and started limping across the beach and towards the rock.

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