~Chapter 8~

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It had been a week since the incident at the aquarium.

I had talked to my mom, Zack and Oli about my father. Turns out he didn't leave us, but he fell off a boat into the sea to drown. Zack and my father had been out sailing when the incident happened. Oli and I were doing soccer and dance. Zack thought that the merfolk might be able to save my dad but they couldn't. Zack thought that if the mers had more common sense and had got there in time, my father would still be alive.

Our mother didn't tell Oli and I because she knew it would kill us. 

Zack and I hadn't told anyone about our encounter at the aquarium last week. 

I made sure Zack had resigned from his position at the aquarium and he has nothing to do with it now. I haven't spoken to him since. Every time we saw eachother around the house we would just ignore each other. 

I hadn't checked on Cody and Noah since last week. 

Even though my brother resigned, they continued their experiments on Cody.

Today I was going back there for the first time since.

I got up, crept past Oli and Zack who were asleep. Oli was my only family member who I trusted now. 

I went downstairs and grabbed my phone. My eyes swerved to my dance bag in the corner of the kitchen.

Dance was the only time I got to escape what was going on. I did 6 hours every weekend and I used to hate them because of the training. Now they're my only pleasure.

Luckily, I didn't have dance so I ignored the bag and ran out to the aquarium.

I ran through the doors and into the dome area. My eyes swivelled around. 

There he was.


He did not look happy. 

I went through the secret doorway and into the top of the dome. 

I could still see Noah underwater, but he wasn't surfacing. I made eye contact with him and begged for him to come up but he wouldn't. He was ignoring me.

Soon enough, two other mers came out of a cave made from rocks. They looked like they were talking to Noah. One was a male and one was a mermaid maybe a year younger than me.

All of a sudden, the mermaid started pacing her way up to the surface. Noah grabbed her tail and tried to pull her down but the other mermaid started pulling Noah back. Noah was trying to stop her from talking to me.

I was getting prepared to be yelled at but then she got to the top and slid so she was sitting on the side and her pale pink tail was dipped in the water.

"Flo", she began.

"Who are you?" I interrupted, "Sorry.. I didn't mean to sound rude"

"Its fine. Im Saffron but call me Saff."

"You are Noahs sister!" I exclaimed. 

"Yes!!" she started fiddling with one of the shells in her long brown hair.

"I thought you were in the other aquarium, how did you get here ?" I asked.

Well they needed a new mer over here because of Cody not being in the tank anymore, so I go sent over.

"Um Flo.. I know things aren't right with you and Noah right now, but Noah needs someone to check on Cody for us and if he isn't talking to you, I guess I have too"


My brother took away his tail.

"Saff, do you know where Cody is ?" I asked.

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