His mission

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I was at school so I couldn't update

No one's pov

"Peter Parker...the amazing Spiderman" A guy wearing a
suit said while smiling Peter
glared at the guy ,some guys
Took him here and he have
no idea what they want from
him , "You can call me Adler
for now..but you will call me Master" he
said while holding an injection

"I'm not gonna call you that!" Peter said Adler laughed "well after this...
you will" He said "Now stop moving" Adler said and injected Peter , Peter struggled and tried to escape but he couldn't , He felt so weak , He closed his eyes and Adler groaned "fucking stupid I knew it won't work-" Adler was cut off when Peter  opened his eyes which is dark red

"Ah...It worked!" Adler exclaimed and
smiled "Hello...Peter" Peter looked up
and stared at Adler "what happened" he said and groaned , Adler smiled and placed his hand on Peter's shoulder "I am your Master Peter , don't you  remember me? my loyal servant" he whispered "I apologize master but I don't remember anything... But if that is what I was before , I will continue being your servant" Peter said and kneeled , Adler laughed

"I am... happy to hear that...well I
should give you your mission..." He
said "Your Mission...is Tony Stark"


Tony's pov

"It's been weeks! and we still can't
find him!" I yelled and punched the
wall "Damn it" I said , Steve stood
up "Tony Calm down , Fury said he
can send some agents to go help
and find Peter" Steve said

"Calm down?! What if something
happened to the kid??" I said and
sat on the couch and pulled my
hair in frustration , I realized I was
crying when Steve sat next to me
and hugged me "It's ok... we'll find
him Tony...we will" He whispered


I woke up sweating , I dreamed of
Peter being kidnapped and hurt...
I sighed and stood up and went to
the kitchen to get something to
drink, I saw the alcohol and shook
my head , the kid won't like it if I
drink... but it's just tonight...

I sighed and grabbed a bottle and
poured it on a glass , While drinking
I heard footsteps and looked around
"Clint are you stealing pizzas again"
I said , No response... It's someone
else...How did they get in here...
"Stark!" I heard Clint's voice and an
arrow appeared on my back

I looked at my back where the arrow
was , I saw someone run...Who is it
I turned around again and saw Clint
"Holy shit- Clint! what the fuck why
did you shoot me !" I said "There was
a guy in your back!" He said

"knew it... someone else is here"
I said and he nodded , He stared
at the glass im holding "Peter is
so gonna scold you if he ever finds
out" He said and I chuckled and a
short guy appeared wearing a mask
and dark suit , "Who are you?" Clint
asked  and the guy didn't talked

"why are you here...and geeez are
you a kid??" I said shile staring at
him "-sion..." He said in a low voice
"What?-" I asked and Clint shot an
arrow near the kid "You..." he said
"are my mission..." He said and I
raised an eyebrow "Ok kiddo, who
...sent you here?" I asked "Master"

"And who is that...Master?" I asked
"I will not tell you , I am here to do
his order ,and his order is to kill you"
he said and pulled his gun and pointed it at me "woah kid calm down" I said "I am calm Mr.Stark" He said...My eyes widened

"Hey...Can you- can you say that again?" I said "I am calm?" He said
"No the Mr.Stark" I said "Mr.Stark..." he said "Mr.Stark...Mr..." He said and we both stared at each other "Peter...?"


:> hei feel free to go to my other
Marvel oneshots

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