Pretend as my boyfriend part 2

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"why is he with you!?" Steve yelled while looking at Wade who waved

"Oh , he wanted to talk to Dad
So I told Dad to come here so
They can see each other" Peter

"hmm so he is your dad?" Wade
Said , Peter gasped "uh n-no I
Just ..." He sighed and nodded

"Mr.Mini Stark here is correct , So I'll
Just wait for To-oooh nevermind
Hey Tony Stark" Wade said

"Deadpool ...why are you here"
Tony said with crossed arms
"Didn't I told you to stop following
Peter everywhere" he glared at him
"Woah calm down" Wade said
"What do you mean by following"
Peter asked confused at the two

"well...I might and might not have
Been following you" Wade chuckled
"you remember that time you got
Shot on your shoulder?" He asked
Peter nodded and said "yeh" quietly

"And someone Killed the dude who shot you? Well that was me who killed him" He said Peter's eyes widened this guy knows he's Spiderman and he freaking Killed the guy that shot him

"wait wait wait , so you know I'm
Spiderman? and you killed him!
why did you kill him! you should
have just make him unconscious"
Peter said making wade chuckle

"yep , I know a lot of things about
you Spidey , and geeeez he almost
killed you and you're mad because
I killed him?" Wade said Peter looked
at him weirdly

"I thought youre going to talk to
Mr.Stark" Peter smiled awkwardly
"oh yeh yeh , So I was following
your son-" he said but got cut off
"What are you a stalker" Tony said but he ignored him and continued anyway "I was at his school and saw a kid bullying him, He slapped Spidey!
I wanna cut his hands so bad but
I had to hide , so he kicked peter
and punched Spidey's friend , and
kissed spidey on the cheek and left! I really wanna kill that dude! can I? please, I fucking hate him so much"
Wade told them angrily , Steve didn't
even bother yelling 'language' he was
also angry at what happened

Peter's eyes widened , he didnt want to
tell them about him being bullied and
he told them about the kiss! oh god , he
anxiously looked at Tony who was serious and looked at Steve who was
also serious , He saw Natasha who was ready to kill

"wow , Great thanks for telling them
Deadpool, Thank you so much" Peter
said sarcastically "But Spidey he needs
to get killed!" Wade pouted "you are not going to kill anyone , even you guys" He looked at the angry avengers

"...Ok so that kid is Flash , H-he...likes me , But I dont because he's my bully
ever since I told everyone im gay he
just wont stop flirting and giving me winks , its like he never bully me! god
it's creepy , he asked me to be his boyfriend and obviously I rejected him
who would want to be in a relationship
with someone who keeps hurting you
i-im happy that someone likes me but
h-he just keeps annoying me , I hate it
he hits me when I talk back its like I never rejected him! . God i am so pathetic..." Peter started sobbing

"i want to stab him so bad" Natasha said , "I feel you" Wade said and placed a hand on Peter's shoulder

"you're Spiderman you can just kick his butt whenever you want" Wade said
"I can't just do that , Spiderman and
Peter Parker are different , they are
not the same person , Deadpool"
He said with a sigh

"wade" Wade said , Peter looked at him confused "Please stop calling me Deadpool just call me Wade its
easier and it's my real name" he said
"and stop calling me spidey , Peter is fine..." He said and smiled , Wade
blushed , Clint coughed and finally
caught their attention

"Ok so I have this idea about you just tell him you like someone
or you're already dating someone" Clint suggested

"he's going to get angry and probably do whatever to hurt me" Peter said with a frown

"so? Peter he's not your boyfriend , He doesn't control you, Peter you need to let him know he doesn't own you, if he hurts always remember im here..." Natasha said whispering the last part

"I guess you're right...but Flash won't
believe me , I mean who would want me as their boyfriend except for flash" He said

"I would" Wade said , everyone looked at him , Tony and Steve weren't happy
Peter was kinda pink

"I just a pathetic nerd" He added , Wade gasped and cupped his
face "Listen Peter , You are not pathetic you're never pathetic , You're an adorable nerd who's kind and
always helping people" Wade said
and leaned closer to peter who was confused and kinda blushing

"ok thats enough youre way too close"
Steve said and pulled wade from peter
Tony went into fully irondad mode and
glared at wade while hugging Peter

"Guys geeez stop , Wade was being nice to me" He rolled his eyes and sighed "Hey Wade?" Peter said

"Yes Spi- I mean Peter?" Wade said
"wanna pretend as my boyfriend?"
he asked him

I was too excited so I wrote the part 2 and published it , it's 4 am I can't
Sleep , if you noticed I changed some things , Yes Peter is Tony's dad now

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