Don't cry Loki

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Waddup I'm your author who have
School tomorrow and doesn't want
To go. Anyway enjoy reading


No one's pov

Loki woke up , he had a nightmare
Again...His brother brought him at
Stark's tower , and he have no idea
Why ,  it is obvious they don't trust
Him , since he attacked New York

He sighed and went to the kitchen
and drinked water ,He knew he will
not be able to go back to sleep so
he went to the living room and sat
there he's comfortable in the dark
so it's fine even if he can't see anything

He hugged his knees , Thinking of
his bad memories ,He hates it..It's
not his fault that he's a Giant Frost
He didn't choose to be the monster
that the parents tell to their child
everynight , Tears started forming
on his cheek , He bit his lips and


Peter woke up panting , He had a
nightmare about May , it's Been a
month since she died and Peter
Blames his self , He should have
been there for her...But he wasn't

He left his room and went to the
living room , He heard someone
crying ,He opened the lights and
saw Loki sitting on the couch, he
frowned and sat next to the God

"Mr.Loki are you crying sir?" Peter
said in a low voice Loki shook his
head and looked away not wanting
the child to see him crying , Peter
let out a sigh and hugged Loki

"wh-What are you doing , I'm not-
Im not c-crying-" Loki said trying
to push Peter who tightened his
hug "It's alright...shhh...You'll be
fine" Peter whispered to the God

"Don't cry Loki" Peter whispered
Loki sniffled and slowly hugged
back , He dont know but, He felt
so comfortable with the child...
Peter asked the god why he was
crying "Only if you want to , I'm
not forcing you" Peter adds

"It's alright...I was crying, thinking
about my mistakes...being Villain
regretting everything..." Loki said
Peter nodded and frowned , Loki
raised an eyebrow "And you? why
are you awake at this hour" Loki

"ah...Well I had a nightmare so I
thought I'll just go here and watch
some movies until I fall asleep" He
said , "I see...And what is movies?"
Loki asked Peter who gasped and
giggled "How about we watch one?"
He said , Loki just nodded even tho
he have no idea what's that word

the two watched disney movies
and end up sleeping at the couch
together , that's when their friend
ship began :))

the end

any requests??? , Also I can't sleep
any tips? gawd I hate insomnia

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