His last word

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Warning - bullying and Depressed


No one's pov

Peter sat on his class while listening
to the teacher ,Flash has been throwing
erasers at him , God just how many erasers does this person have? Peter
sighed and decided to ignore him , he
looked at the empty seat next to him which belongs to his best friend Ned
who's sick and has been absent for
almost a week

May will go home late again, Peter
understands that she has to work
for them and the apartment but it's
kinda making him sad and lonely
Ever since Flash became Stark's
new Intern , Stark never talked to
Peter again and so did the others
some of the Avengers still talked
to Peter

Fash's bullying has gotten worsen everyday , he would always give Peter some bruises or he would throw eraser at him just like what he was doing
earlier , The teachers saw him but they never scolded Flash it's like they're blind


After School finished Peter decided to
go on a patrol and wore the suit Stark
gave him which he will probably take
back soon , Peter went to a random
rooftoo and sat there and watched the
cars and lights , his arms still hurts with
his new cuts , yes he started cutting , he made sure no one will find out , well no
one cares anyways , he sighed and folded his mask and wore his headset

'her last word' by Courtney Parker
Funny , He relates to this song and
He has the same last name like the
person who sang this , Peter was
also singing not caring if some
people are staring

"Just an average girl
She always wore a smile
She was cheerful and happy for a short while
Now she's older
Things are getting colder
Life's not what she thought, she wished someone had told her

She told you she was down, you let it slip by
So from then on she kept it on the inside
She told herself she was alright
But she was telling white lies
Can't you tell? Look at her dull eyes

Tried to stop herself from crying almost every night
But she knew there was no chance of feeling alright
Summer came by, all she wore was long sleeves
'Cause those cuts on her wrists were bleeding through you see

She knew she was depressed, didn't want to admit it
Didn't think she fit it, everyone seemed to miss it
She carried on like a soldier with a battle wound
Bleeding out from every cut her body consumed-" Peter sang and sighed
all he needs to do is stop this stupid
pain , He can just end it all in here by
jumping ,No one will miss him anyways
would anyone even notice? or would
anyone even care? Flash was right he
should just die

I took my phone and typed my last words for May and Ned

'Dear May
Thank you so much for taking care of me , Im so sorry for everything and for being such a burden I just want to end everything , I don't belong in this world , I'll always love you May' Peter sent while sobbing he looked for Ned's number and typed

'Dear Ned
Get well soon dude , If you're wondering
why the seat next to you is empty , it's probably because I ended it all , I'll miss
building Legos with you so much , Also
don't be like me , don't be weak , if flash
bullies you , Be strong and tell MJ to stay badass and cool and that I love her , Thank you so much for everything' Peter sent and stood up while sighing

little did he know that he sent the message to someone else

While Peter was standing and staring
at the cars he smiled and took a deep
breath , All he need to do is jump and
everything is done

1...he shut his eyes tightly

yelled and pulled him away from the
edge of the building to prevent him
from falling

"What the-" Peter said and glared
at whoever pulled him and saw Tony
Stark"Mr.Stark?...W-why are you here"
Peter said "Peter Im so sorry" Tony said and hugged him tightly

"Pleade dont do it please , I promise
I won't be stupid anymore , I didn't
knew Flash was your bully , Im so sorry"
Tony said and Peter hugged him back
"M-Mr.Stark i-its ok" Peter said

After the two hugged for almost an
hour ,Peter went to May and apologized
Stark almost killed Flash but luckily
Peter was kind enough to stop him
guess Suicide is not always the answer


Little A/N before you go

If you're depressed , please don't
think suicide is the answer to your problems and cuts won't fix anything , if you dont have anyone to talk to I'll be here for you guys

Stay safe

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