That time flash almost died 2

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Peter's pov
Everyone entered the tower , there stood Shan one of the interns I always talk to , she's nice and kinda obsessed with Musical

"Is this Midtwon high?" She asked politely while smiling , "yes yes" the teacher said and Shan told everyone to line up "ok so ill be giving you all your badges which will expire as soon as you leave the tower , If you lose your badges I'm sorry but you'll be escorted out" She smiled and started handing white badges

when she saw me she was confused "aren't you supposed to be at school" she asked and chuckled as she realized I'm part of the group
"Well you already have your own badge, you know tin can  is very strict with badges" we both chuckled and I took mine in my bag and Shan went back to talking ,flash noticed my badge

I could feel someone staring at
Me it wasnt flash nor the teacher it was someone else , I looked around but couldnt find out who it was i just shrugged and decided to ignore it

"Ok so White badges are for Visitors like you , Blue are for interns and people who works here , Scientists have blue green and the Avengers
Have red while the other heroes like guardians of the galaxy have violet
and Rhodey and Tony Stark's personal intern have Red and gold
Tony  Stark and Pepper pots doesn't need one,  " she finished

"Wait a fucking minute penis parker has a red and gold, why does stupid parker has a red and gold badge !" Flash yelled I flinched and saw Shan with a fake sweet smile while almost breaking her clipboard while walking toward flash
I swear I heard the clipboard crack but I ignored it

"What did you just call Peter ? Listen here y-" Shan said but then Pietro came he raised an eyebrow and saw me
"Hey Pete and His class" Pietro said with a forced smile, I could tell he was mad...Wanda was glaring at flash

"Omg it's the quicksilver and Scarlet witch " people started fan girling over him and wanda not noticing how angry they were

"What happened?" Pietro asked "He called Peter pe-" I covered her mouth "nothing , now let's continue the field trip " I said and Pietro looked at me suspiciously

Shan continued talking about the history of Tower like nothing just happened and for some reason Pietro and wanda were still here "why are you still  here " I asked while looking at him weirdly

"How long has he been bullying you?"  He asked while ignoring the girls and teacher who keeps looking at him

"He wasn't- ......he was just joking, Its ok-" he clicked his tongue and didn't let me finish "cut the bullshit, I heard everything and no it's not ok!" He whispered yelled angrily

"Please don't tell the others " I begged and looked at him with puppy eyes
"Ok ok we won't , we gotta go back to the Penthouse , if I find out  that he bullies you again he's dead mmkay?" He said and wanda ruffled my hair and left

Everyone was looking at me except for Mj who's writing something in her notebook and Shan who was talking .
Lord let me survive this field trip

I hope you all enjoyed today's chapter

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