I live

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oh my god, *wheeze

y'all actually did read this crap, ohmfhsw
so embarrassing. This is such a shit book, would love to delete but I kinda enjoy torturing myself with cringe everytime I
check it.

Btw, how's everyone? it's about to be 4 in the morning rn and I've never felt like a complete shit while also relieved.

I just finished my modules because it's due later at 2 pm.

My modules doesn't make sense. To me that is. I'm just really dumb, it's not my fault tho, or maybe it is. Is it? Oh my god,
why am I even rambling here.

Anyways, if you ever did read this book,
*claps* I respect you. I know, I know it's hard being tortured by the amount of cringiness, errors and more errors, oh and did I mention errors?

in my defense, I wrote this like when I was still in grade 6?? I think?? wait I'm also not sure anymore omg lol, but yeah
I was still a dumb cringy bandwagon that time.

Yikes, someone tell me if they have a time machine so I can slap myself real

So yeah, don't really have much to say.
Just wanted to check on y'all if you guys
survived reading this long ass book. Lol

how the fuck did I even manage to write
hundreds of chapters before, I can't even write a simple paragraph now without deleting or hesitating on each word. Pain.

So yeah, bye bye. Have a good day and good luck on having to deal with the rest of 2020's shits.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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