oopsie doopsie

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Here's a very short chapter

No one's pov

While Everyone is watching A dog's purpose , Tony saw Peter crying , he
looked at him weirdly "You alright?"

Tony asked , Peter shook his head
"Hey mr.stark can you please hand
me the tissue" Peter said and Tony
nod and handed him the tissue

"You good?" Tony asked Peter who
nodded "good , thanks dad." Peter
said , Everyone looked at him

"why is everyone staring at me" He
said while awkwardly smiling "you
just called Tony dad you said thanks dad" Natasha said and teased him

"what? no i didnt , i said thanks man"
Peter said while nervously chuckling
"do you see me as your father figure
Peter?" Tony asked Peter who looked
away from him

"n-no if anything i see you as, a bother
figure cause you're always bothering
me!" Peter said while ignoring eye

"hey show your father some respect!"
Clint said while laughing "I didnt call him dad!" Peter rolled his eyes and
giggled "sure" Tony said "son" he adds
making Peter groan and the others

the end

yo , its 3 am , Im sorry your author is
so lazy to write anything , she's busy
watching Brooklyn 99 but Happy Pride
Month , Everyone

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