Protective Boyfriend

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Peter x Harley again because I
Love this ship , Don't worry I
Still like Spideypool


Peter's POV

"We'll have a field trip to the Stark's
Tower!" The teacher exclaimed with
a huge smile on her face everyone
gasped and cheered

My eyes widened and I looked at
Ned who was also anxious ,Since
I am Mr.Stark's intern I told him
about Ned loving science and

then Mr.Bruce heard and let Ned help
him at his lab , He's not really his
intern but they're really close , I think
Mr.Bruce thinks of Ned as his son

For some reason Flash keeps staring
and smirking at me , Creepy but I just
ignored him

"Oh...I almost forgot , Mr.Parker
we'll talk after class" The teacher
said and I just nodded while also


"You are not allowed to go to
the Field trip" The teacher said
"what- but why?" I said , Even if
I go or not I'll still be at the Tower
Because It's where I live

"no buts , Now go home" He said
and left me in the classroom, ok
what did just happen...So he just
forbidden me to go to the Field
trip for no reason?


"What did he say?" Ned asked And
I groaned "he said I can't go to the
field trip" I said and he stared at me
"wait wait wait whaaaat" He said and
held my shoulders "He told me Im
not allowed to go to the tower for
no reason, I asked him why, he just
left" I said and let out a sigh

"Hah! looks like they don't want a
liar to be there" Flash said while
smirking , I turned around and saw
him with his goons , Ned frowned

" told the teacher to not
let me go" I said and rolled my
eyes "Let's go Ned" I said but he
blocked the way

"You're right Parker , I did , I told
him that we don't need an arrogant
liar like you" He said and I chuckled
"Arrogant? it's just you who's always
talking about it" I said and he glared
and then he punched me


"You shouldn't have talked back"
Ned said and I sighed , My phone
started ringing "Hello?" I said and
I heard my boyfriend's voice

"Hey Pete im currently at your
school with Happy, where are
you" He said

"Wait..You're here? at my school? "
I asked "yep , Now hurry up because
I miss my boyfriend so much and I
want to hug him" He said and I let
out a chuckle "ok bye love you" I
said before he end the call

"I gotta go" I said and Ned nodded
and we did our High five before
walking away


"Hey Har" I said and He smiled
and we both went in the car , I
greeted Happy and he started

"I begged your Dad to let me
go with Happy to pick you up"
Harley said and hugged me

"That's sweet, But he's not my
dad" I chuckled and he rolled
his eyes "Sure Pete sure" He


I went to my room and changed
clothes , I almost jumped when
I saw Harley sitting on the bed
"Holy shit you scared me" I said
and he giggled I jumped on him
and sat on his stomach , I pinched
his cheeks both side and he whined "het ho of me" He said and I giggled
He smiled but soon his smile faded

He raised his hand and touched
my lips "what? are you gonna kiss
me?" I joked but he was staring at
me seriously "Who did this" He said
"What?" I said then I realized That
I got punched on the face

"wh-what are you talking about" I
started to stutter , Great Parker he
is not going to stop asking until he
finds out "Your lips , why is it like
this? who punched you?" He said
"N-no one-" I said but he cut me off
"You have a busted lip im not blind"
He said and I let out a sigh and nervously scratched my shoulder

"I'm being bullied by a student named
Flash , Ever since I accidentally told
everyone about my internship he just
won't stop being mean , T-then the
teacher announced that there'll be a
field trip here at the tower...The teacher
said that I- I am not allowed to go
a-and Flash was the o-one who- who
told the teacher t-to not let me- go"

I said everything , He's gonna know it
anyways , Harley is the type of person
you can't lie to , if he's curious he won't stop asking until he finds out what's wrong , He touched my lips gently and I flinched , He frowned and kissed my cheek

"We'll just have fun with the others
That Field trip is gonna be boring
Anyways" He said and I smiled and
Kissed him but I realized I have busted lips "Ow- ouch" I said and
He giggled


We went to the kitchen and ate
dinner , While eating, Mr.Stark
noticed my busted lips , I was
going to lie even tho im bad at
it , But then Harley told them

"Someone named Flash is bullying
him and told the teacher to not let
Peter to go to the field trip" He said
and Mr.Stark looked at me

"Wow thanks Harley, I hate you" I said with sarcasm "I love you too" He said
"When's the Field trip?" Mr.Stark asked "Tomorrow " I said and they just smirked


I will write a part 2 when I can
byeeee stay safe everyone

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