Peter gets kidnapped and meets Fury

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Peter's Pov

While wearing my mask and trying
to wear my Spiderman suit , a dude
with a mask grabbed my shoulder
and made me unconscious , Soon
I woke up and im in a room

"Hello Mr.Parker or should I say Spiderman" A man with an  eye
patch said  with a  smirk  while
looking at my confused face

"Who are you" I said while glaring
at him , this is bad , like really bad
what time is it? May might be worried
at me now "and what time is it?" I added , the man with a mask who kidnapped me laughed and I rolled my eyes

"I'm Nick Fury and to answer your other question its currently 5:30 pm" He said
while staring at his watch , I groaned
"thanks Mr.guy with an eye patch , now
how did you know my name  and
what do you need from me?" I asked
and the guy who kidnapped me giggled
probably because of the nickname

"I told you my name so use it please
Mr.Parker , and ever since you started
being Spiderboy I told someone to watch you , and that someone is that
guy who took you here" He explained

"It's Spiderman , and that's kinda creepy
what are you guys ? stalker? geeez" I
said and stood up "what do you want
from me then?" I asked Fury

"I want you to join the Avengers" He
said and I just stared at him and blinked
until I start laughing , You might be wondering why , I don't really like them
when I was a kid I used to love them
Ironman was my Favorite , though an
accident happened , I was with my
parents when these weird people with
guns and weapons entered our house
and shot my mother who was hugging
me , I was covered with her blood and
crying and praying for the so called Avengers to come and save us though they never did, the guys took me and killed both my parents , soon I learned that they were called hydra , I was there
for a year and a half and luckily I kinda survived and escaped with a help from
this guy called Bucky who was kinda
scary but actually kind 

I let out a sigh as I remember my past
"I'm sorry Mr.Fury But I dont want to"
I said and went towards the door to
leave but this guy with a mask grabbed
my wrist

"What do you want ? Mr.Masked dude"
I asked while staring at him "Why?" He
asked "Why what?" I asked him back

"I'm asking why you don't want to join
the Avengers , you're actually lucky but
you'll just say that you dont wanna and
walk out?" he said , I sighed in frustration

"Because I don't want to" I said while
staring at him kinda irritated "I won't
let you leave" He said and blocked
the door , I face palmed

"Look Mr. I dont know your name , I don't like the Avengers , now let me
leave" I said and waited for him to
let me leave which he didn't do

"Dude , I really need to go home"
I sighed in frustration and tried
to push him away but he wouldn't
let me leave "I won't let you until
you joinnnnn" he said

I smirked as an idea popped up on my mind "ok then" I said "so you will join?"
he asked but I did the only thing I could
I tickled him and he burst out laughing
while he was on the floor trying to catch his breath , I opened and kicked the door and immediately ran

"Hey! WAIT!" He yelled but I was gone
and already outside , Oh shit May's
gonna be so mad at me


Got this idea from Kgirldc  
Also if you're confused
Peter never met Stark
Or the Avengers and I
Changed how his parents
Died and his past

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