No one hurts my family

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B R O s , who missed me?? : D none?
hehe I know , by the way , I already
ended this oneshot , but since this
book just reached 200k+ , thanks to
you guys ,and TheKazzy requested
me this , I thought , hey why not?
it's just a gift for you guys , since I
really had fun updating and writing
your requests and seeing you guys
comment , so yeah , let's start now


Peter's pov

school just finished and I got a text
from Happy , curious , since the man
doesn't send messages unless it's an
emergency or Dad (Tony) forced him
to tell me something "I'll be picking
you up kid , we need to talk about
something really important,Fury will
also talk to you , but since you have
no idea , what's going on , I will be
talking to you in the car ,now get in"

Suddenly my smiled faltered , it
must really be important , Happy
never sent me long messages , I
saw the familiar car that he always
uses to pick me up , I immediately
went inside and threw my bag next
to me "So uhm Happy? What was-"
I said but he cut me off "Tony and
the other Avengers are missing" he
said , I stared at him on the mirror
I could tell he was serious, yet some
part of me hoped he was trying to
joke or prank me "I'm serious Peter"
he said "Are you guys sure? maybe
they're just resting somewhere?" I
said , he shook his head

Nick went to the tower , he's still
there and waiting for you , I nod
and buried my face on my palms
they'll be alright , right? they're the
Avengers , they can do this...I hope

"We're here"

Happy said and I thanked him and
grabbed my bag , I went inside and
stopped walking "Friday? where's
Nick Fury?" I asked "Welcome back
Peter , he is waiting for you in your
room" Fri replied "thanks , take me
there please" I said and entered the


"So...Hogan already told you?" He
asked , I nod "I am here to show you
this video" he said and played the
video , I could see the Avengers with
chains on their feet and wrist , I hate
Seeing them like this , Mr.Stark was
in the middle while the other Avengers
surround him , except for Thor who's
in Asgard and Bruce who's now the
Hulk and is in the corner of the room
with chains on his feet as well and
one on his neck , I was angry at who
ever did this to them

"Hey Peter , did you miss me?"

A familiar blonde appeared on
the camera , he was wearing a
mask that only covers his eyes
he smirked

"No? that's alright , even tho
I miss you so damn much"

now I remember who he is

"how about we play? Since
I miss you so much , it will
be fun"

I glared at him even though
he can't even see me

"just like the old times"

I clicked my tongue

"but with the Avengers as
the price"

I punched the wall next
to me

"So you know him?" Fury asked , I
gave him a nod "I'm going to kill him"
I said and was going to grab my suit
but he stopped me "no , you are not
allowed to go there , it is a trap , use
your brain Parker" He asked

"I don't care if it's a trap! I need to
save the Avengers! they're the only
family I have! and now they are in
danger because of me!" Peter said
and sat on his bed crying "Im sorry
Kid but you can't , that's what Tony
wants , for you to be safe" he said
and left my room

I woke up and went to school , after
it finished I immediately walked out
of the classroom , I told Ned about
my plan on saving the Avengers and
he doesn't like the idea , but I really
wanted to save them so he said he
will still be my guy on the chair , I saw
Happy and stared at him before
running away from him ,I saw him
sigh and get in the car , I shot a web
on a wall and went on an alleyway
I wore my suit and got ready , my
phone keeps ringing , it was Happy
I just ignored it , knowing they'll
only tell me to 'come back' or

Like hell I would just stay here and
wait for them while wondering if
they will be alright or not , I wore my
suit "Welcome back Peter , aren't you supposed to not use the suit until Sunday?" Karen said "Karen , The
avengers are in danger right now
Dad Can ground me for a month or
more I don't care , saving them is more
important right now" I said and started
swinging again

"Alright Peter , let's go save Irondad
and the others" Karen said making
me smile a little "Karen , call Ned , I
need my guy in the chair" I said and
soon I could hear Ned's voice "you
ready?" He asked "as I'll ever be"

"Man...Be glad I'm your guy in the
chair" Ned said , I chuckled "now
let's save the Avengers yeah?" He
said "yeah" I said and shot a web
and to land safely infront of an old
familiar house , I peeked through
the window and saw Auntie Tasha
why is she the only on in here?? I
sighed and opened the window
"Auntie Tasha , pssst" I said while
shaking her shoulder , she groaned
"just give up , I will never let you
kidnap Peter" she said "Auntie, it's
me Peter" I said and she opened
her eyes "Peter...?" she said and
gasped , I frowned when I saw her
bruises and cuts on her cheeks

"I'm so sorry" I apologized while
breaking the chains and helping
her stand up "I could escape this
shitty place but that bastard injected
me and the others with something"
she said "yeah , his father is running
a drug company" I said "that's why"
she said and held her head while
groaning , suddenly the door
opened revealing Marion "Hey
Peter" he said , I let go of Auntie
and was going to hit him for doing
these to my family , But Auntie
grabbed my shoulder "don't" she
said so I grit my teeth while glaring
at him

"Where are the others?!" I yelled
"Are you having fun on this game?"
he asked "tell me!" I yelled again
"My , don't be impatient Peter ,you
will see their dead bodies soon" he
said and laughed "fuck you , give
me back the Avengers" I said and
he laughed "Language Pete" he
said "follow me" he said and I did
"Peter!" Auntie Tasha said and
followed me as well "he might hurt
you!" she said , we entered a room
where the rest of the Avengers are

I stared at their bodies covered with
blood and bruises , their outfits ,now
ruined , I groaned and shot a web at
Marion's feet and pulled him making
him fall on the floor "they are your
family Peter , don't they look good like
this?" he said while smirking , I hit his
face , he grabbed my fist "I hate you!"
I yelled and shoved him on the wall
"Peter!" I heard Auntie Tasha yell but
I ignored her , I continued hitting and
hurting Marion , I was angry

"do you remember May's death?"
he said and my eyes widened "your
parents death? they weren't accident
they're all murder , and my dad was
the one who did it , do you know why?
your god damn father promised to
save my mother , but he did something
else , he experimented on her! that is
why , I'll be doing the same to you and
your oh so called new family" he said
I shot a web at the wall and sticked on
the ceiling and kicked him , I saw a
metal and hit him with it , he fell on
the ground wincing in pain "die!" I
yelled and continued hitting him ,
"You took everything from me!" I
yelled and continued hitting his life
less body

I felt hands wrap around me "let
go of me!" I yelled , and realized it
was Dad and the others , I stared
at them and my hands covered with
blood "oh god..." I said and cried
"I'm so sorry..." I said "Peter..." I heard
Mr.Stark say "it's alright , you saved
us , you were angry , he killed your
family and nearly killed your new
family" Dad said "I-Im a murderer..."
I said and they shook their head

"It's alright Peter , calm down" they
said and hugged me

The end :0 wtf is this..., It sucks I
know , I rushed it sorry , bye

*Hides from those disappointed
people when I said I won't continue
that time flash almost died

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