Pretend as my boyfriend part 4

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I'm so sorry for not updating!
I was supposed to watch endgame
But there was an earthquake and my mum said I can't watch it cuz she is worried there might be an aftershocks stay safe


Peter just woke up , He yawned and sleepily stold from his bed and went
to the bathroom to wash his face and
get ready for his field trip

"Good morning everyone" Peter greeted the Avengers who were in the kitchen

"Mornin Underoos" Tony said while drinking his coffee with "irondad"
written on it

"Good morning" the others said
"That cups look cute" Peter said
"Thanks I was the one who wrote it"
Clint said while giggling and eating
the pancakes steve cooked

"So Peter, are you excited?" Tony asked
"excited? for what" Peter asked while eating pancakes and pouring chocolate
on it "For the field trip on here" Tony said like its the obvious thing in the world, Peter's eyes widened

"Holy shit I forgot all about that
I need to go Im so late bye Everyone!"
Peter yelled while running to get his bag
"Language!" Steve yelled and sighed

"Hey steve do you know where are the plums" bucky asked while looking at the fridge

"I ate it" Sam said , Bucky chased him
"Hey guys did you see my sister? I've been looking for her" a sweaty and Panting pietro asked , probably been
running around to look for his sister

"I don't know ask clint" Natasha smirked and pointed at the blushing
Clint who sent her a glare

"u-uh I don't really know m-maybe she's with vision? uh yeh maybe w-with vision..." A flustered Clint said while staring at Pietro who kinda turned pink

"Guys stop staring at each other and get a room" Tony said and rolled his eyes

Peter finally arrived at the bus luckily
they were still there , He let out a sigh
"I see you're finally here Mr.Parker now go inside the bus" The teacher said
he nodded and looked for ned and sat
next to him when he finally saw him
Mj was near them and sitting with a
girl who looks kind

"Dude I was thinking you're not going
to show up" Ned whispered yelled
"Sorry , I forgot all about the field trip
and Dad just reminded me" He sighed
"Anyways , Do you think we'll see any
Avengers?" Ned asked excitedly
"I hope we dont" He sighed in frustration sadly flash heard him

"What penis, you scared that we find out you don't really know them ?" He
smirked , Thansk to Mj she roasted him

"or maybe he just don't want them to
see our class Because they'll probably look for Peter's bully which is you and
kill his bully which is I repeat y o u" she
said , Some people giggled He groaned
but never said anything he knew he'll never win in an argument with mj

"Thank you Mj" He said , She just smiled and continued drawing the
girl she's sitting with

"wait.a.minute" Peter said "oh god
she's right , they'll probably look for
us" He anxiously said

"dude its fine , at least They can finally stop flash from bullying you every day"
Ned said


The bus finally arrived at the Tower
Everyone quickly walked out of the
bus except for peter who was Anxiously
walking out of the bus

everyone got a badge from the tour guide which was Natasha and Wanda
Except for peter , He already has his own and Tony doesn't allow people to have two badges , Peter groaned when
Natasha smirked at him

"Welcome everyone , I'm Black widow and this is Wanda and we'll be your Tour guide today , So before I start
the tour I want you to know that you
must not touch anything you're not
allowed to , no running around or
leaving the group , never talk while
im talking or wanda does , and last
bullying is not allowed in here" she
said with a fake smile

she continued the tour and it was
boring for Peter until ...Clint fell
on the vents making some students
jump, "clint..." Peter said with a sigh

"Hello Peter! aaand his class" Clint said and stood up , "Clint why are you here"
Natasha asked him

"Omg its hawkeye" someone said
"Ok but why was he on the vents"
"he looks hot" someone said
"do you think he's single?"
"please marry me" someone said

"oh boy if pietro ever hears that he'll be angry" Peter said making wanda chuckle , soon pietro came

"Oh I've been looking for you sis" He said , Probably didn't heard the fangirls
"Hey Peter, is this your class?" he asked
peter and waved at the students

"omg he's hot too" someone said
"who is he? he looks cute''
"please be single" someone says

Peter chuckled at the girls and looked at Clint who was frowning , looks like someone's jealous , of course he wont say that out loud

"heyyyooo" a familiar voice says , Everyone looked for the source of the voice and saw a man on a red and black suit , you guessed it

"d-deadpool!?" someone yelled
"oh hey there , I'm looking for Peter parker did anyone see him" He said
Peter blushed and went to him and
pulled him "are you sure you want
to continue these?" Peter asked Wade
who tilt his head and nod "well it
actually depends , if you don't want
that's fine too" Wade said "it's not
like that... I'm just making sure if
you still want to pretend" He said

"...Oh I see , Well...uh you should really go back to your class" Wade said
"ok but before I go...Thank you
Im so sorry for bothering you" He said
and kissed Wade's cheek and ran away

While Peter was walking and looking for his class he bumped into someone
"I saw everything" the guy said Peter looked at him just to see the smirking flash "You're such a fag , you even kissed Deadpool , That's disgusting wjy are you so pathetic and disgusting Parker" He said "Listen here you shit
I heard and saw everything , so you
begged him to pretend ? pretend as your boyfriend? you're so pathetic
I bet you also begged the Avengers to pretend that they know you" he chuckled and shoved peter down on the floor making him fall

Peter sighed and stood up and went back to his class like nothing happened
he doesnt have to tell anyone , the teacher doesn't even care and never will  , he can just pretend like never happened ,he's used to it anyways

"I found his bully , Tell the others to go to the training room and I'll tell Natasha to take everyone there" Clint said through the phone and went to Natasha
"training room" Clint said to her who gave him a nod

"Ok everyone , Now we'll go to the training room , You can watch all
of the avengers there training" she
said , Peter sighed they probably
planned this so they can embarrass

Since I love y'all and I got 2k reads I wrote a 1k words in this chapter !
I'm so happy guys lmao, I'll write the ending tomorrow or when I'm not lazy , bye!

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