Lucas the spider

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Anyone here knows Lucas the Spider? You guys gotta check
Him on YouTube or Instagram
He is such a cutie


No one's pov

While Peter's studying science
he felt something ticklish on his
foot but he ignored it , thinking
it's probably just his imagination
or something

"Psssst heeey" Peter heard , He
raised his eyebrow and looked
at the door but no one was there
He sighed and looked back at
his books just to see a huge
spider on it

Peter's eyes widened and he
almost screamed "Oh my god"
Peter fell on the ground and
sighed "Im sowry are you alright?"
The spider asked and jumped
on Peter's chest

"holy guacamole , did you just
talk and oh my thor please dont
bite me" Peter said "All Spiders
could talk and don't worry I wont"
The spider said , Peter let out a
sigh and stood up

"I am lucas by the way" Lucas said
as he crawl back to the desk , Peter
nodded "I am Peter uh..are you real"
Peter asked "Yeh , I can crawl into
your hand if you want" Lucas said
"No , please don't" Peter said

"Geeez Why are people so scared
of me? am I scary? it's probably
because of my eyes" Lucas blinked
"And these feets" he said and sighed
"I'm sorry... actually..I think you are
kinda cute" Peter said

"woah wow...Thanks Peter..." Lucas
said "can I- Can I hold you?" Peter
said "Sure! but please don't hurt me
or throw me" Lucas said and crawled
at Peter's hand , Peter giggled

"so we're friends?" Lucas said and
Peter nodded "Yep" He grinned
one week later

"Lucaaaas???" Peter looked for his
Spider friend but he couldn't find him
"did anyone see a huge spider?" Peter
asked the Avengers "a spider?" Clint
asked while holding a jar...with Lucas
in it

"Oh my god lucas??" Peter said and
glared at Clint , Peter took the jar and
opened it , Lucas gasped for air and
Peter frowned "Hello Peter" Lucas
whispered "Hey Luc , are you alright?"
Peter asked

Peter took Lucas to his room and
scolded Clint for putting His friend
in the jar , Peter explained that he
could talk to Spiders and he told
them to never hurt any spiders if
they saw one

the end

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