cake - edited

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wheezing so hard rn, just what in the world even is this thing I've created 😭..
- Dec 20, 2021



Tony's mouth went agape as he stares
at the frozen boy infront of him. Peter on
the other hand had his eyes wide as if he
had just encountered a ghost.

"what... in the world are you doing?" Tony
asks the teen who's currently eating a whole ass chocolate cake by himself in his kitchen
at 4 am in the morning.

"ahaha... uhm well..." Peter wipes the chocolate on his lips nervously

"first of all, what are you doing in my kitchen at 4 freaking am, don't you have school?" he asks, placing his hand on his hips as he nags on the younger just as aunt May had thought him to do.

Peter sweat dropped, "Mr.Stark-"

"and I thought we already talked about you staying up til morning? hm?"


"second of all, why the hell are you eating a cake-"


the two fell into silent as Tony tries to process what the teen had just called him.

"uh, sorry for sneaking into your tower at midnight.. I swear I won't do it again. And
the reason why I'm eating a cake by myself
is uh well... it's my birthday today.. oh uhm,
actually it was yesterday but yeah, I was going to bring this cake at home so me and aunt May could eat it together.. but we got
in an argument... and she may have kinda of kicked me out that's why uhm, I'm here... with a cake..., would you like some?"

Tony furrowed his eyebrows, "it was your

"uhm.. yep!" Peter smiled sheepishly and stared at the ground as he avoids Tony's concerned gaze.

"Jesus... you should've told me kiddo. I could've prepared a party for you, but let's
just do that tomorrow. For now let's get you cleaned up aight? you're covered in chocolate."

The boy nodded as Tony wipes his messy face with his shirt. "Happy Birthday, Peter.
I'm sorry you had to spend your birthday alone. You should've told me, I would've left all my work just to celebrate with you. And don't worry about May, I'll talk to her."

Peter's lips quivered as tears starts to fall from his face. Poor boy has been keeping all of these to himself.

Tony hugged the kid as he broke into tears, sobbing uncontrollably as his shoulders shook.

"Shh, it will be alright.. don't worry. Dad got you now."

Tony sighs as Peter clung to him like a koala
while they walk out of the kitchen.

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