Harley Keener the new Intern

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I ship Harley and Peter so uh I'm
So sorry if you don't like this ship
Feel free to suggest any ideas and
I'll write them when I can


Peter's pov

"Peter we have to talk" MJ said and
pulled me , She sighed and pulled her
hair , I frowned and held her shoulder
trying to calm her

"P-Peter I- we ...need to break up" MJ
Said while frowning , I let out a sigh
She's right... we're always arguing
And I'm sure she doesn't love me...
"ok then" I said

After we ended our relationship , we
decided to stay friends just like what
we used to be

"Peter?" I heard Mr.Stark's voice
and a couple knocks , I stood up
and wiped my eyes and opened
the door "Y-Yes Mr.Stark?" I said

"Are you ok? You didn't eat dinner
with us , are you sick?" He said
and checked my temperature I
chuckled and my vision suddenly
became blurry and tears started
falling on my cheeks

"We- we broke up Mr.Stark , Mj
and I broke u-up" I said while
crying "shhh...." is all he said
before hugging me and trying
to calm me

we went to the living room and
I told the Avengers about what
happened , We watched movies
and fell asleep on the couch


Stark's pov

My ringing phone in my pocket
woke me up , I groaned and
checked the time before
answering the call

"Hello?" I said with my eyes
closed , "Oi Old man , where
are you?" I heard Harley's
voice and my eyes widened
"Oh shit" I whispered "You
forgot that I'm supposed to
go here did you" He said
"Yeh sorry , I just woke up
where are you kid?" I asked

"I'm inside the tower and I
think I'm lost..." He said and
I let out a groan and stood up
from the couch making sure
Peter won't woke up , but
sadly when I moved , Clint's
hand fell on Peter's face

Peter groaned and removed
his hand and yawned "H-hey
Mwiwiw shawk" He said while
yawning "Hey kid , You hungry?"
I said and he shook his head

"I gotta go for now and look
for a kid who's lost in the tower"
I said making it louder so Harley
could hear it "it's not my fault
this tower is huge!" Harley yelled
and I chuckled and go looked
for him


Pete's pov

"It's not my fault this tower is
huge!" Yelled by someone on
the phone that Mr.Stark is
holding , I raised an eyebrow
and wondered who it is

when I was gonna ask Mr.Stark
who it was he was already gone
Guess I'll just ask him later...I
wonder who it is...

Me and the other Avengers ate
pancakes fot breakfast that Steve
and Bucky made


While walking around the tower
I accidentally bumped into a guy
and we both fell on the floor
"ouch ouch...Im so sorry I wasn't
looking-" I heard the guy said

"N-No its ok , Are you alright?" I
said and helped him to stand up
"Y-yeah... I'm really sorry" He said
and I stared at him , He has Dirty
blonde curly hair and blue eyes
he's... actually cute...no stop
it Peter...

"I-Im Harley by the way... Harley
Keener" he said and shook my
hand "Peter Parker" I grinned
"so...what is a teenager like
you doing in here Mr.Keener?"
I asked and he giggled...cute

"Well To answer your question
Mr.Parker Tony let me be his
jntern so I decided to give myself
a tour but I end up...getting lost" He
said and I nodded...wait

"You were that guy on the phone"
I said and he raised his eyebrow
"when I woke Up Mr.Stark told
me he needs to look for a kid
who's lost in the tower" I said

"Oh...Yeh I was talking to him
earlier...wait its been almost
an hour...where is he" He said
"... probably still looking for
you" I said and he chuckled
and decided to call Mr.Stark

when Mr.Stark found out I'm
with him he told me to take
him to the penthouse so I
took him into an elevator
"Are You Tony's son?" He
asked and I stared at him
before laughing

"what?" He said while looking at
me weirdly "I-Im not , Im just his
intern like you" I said and he made
an 'oh' sound and nodded

"You're too young to be an intern"
He said "we're the same" I said
"hmm...how old are you?" He asked
"16 and you?" I said "17..hah! I'm
older" He grinned and I rolled my
eyes, The elevator dinged and
it opened

"Call me big brother" Harley smirked
"No" I said "please?" He frowned
"you're just a year older than me
Har , just a year" I said and he pouted
"you don't look cute when you pout"
I said even though he looks cute...


Harley's pov

I just came here at the tower and
got lost and met a cute angel who
is actually Also Tony's Intern , his
name is Peter and he's...really
cute...and hot , He took me to the
penthouse where Tony is and the
other avengers at

"Your room is next to Peter's
Underoos show him his room
you guys can do whatever you
want for now" Tony said and
we nodded "Damn You sound like
Their dad" Hawkeye said and I

"Did you just adopt two teenagers"
Black widow joked , Tony rolled his
eyes but chuckled "I guess I have
two sons then?" He said "Well if
we're your sons I'll be the older
brother , right dad?" I said while
smirking at Peter

"Well You're taller and Peter is...
you know...so yeh you are" He said
"Just because he's a year older
and taller" Peter pouts , Which
is by the way cute

"I guess this is my new home then"
the end

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